Left out
Sir: Contrary to what Jonathan Fenby of the Guardian may believe (Letters, 9 September), no one is objecting to the placement of media recruitment advertise- ments in the columns of his newspaper. The point at issue is discrimination by the BBC and ITV against the media recruit- ment sections of other quality papers which do not share the Guardian's left-wing clientele.
Even if Mr Fenby were to establish that Harpers & Queen, Business International, Price Waterhouse and the other recruiters he mentions use his newspapers more than its rivals (which he has singularly failed to do), that still leaves him with a further problem. The BBC and the independent television companies, unlike those other advertisers, are obliged to be politically impartial. That is why, now it has been proved that they seek so many more of their recruits from a newspaper, the major- ity of whose readership is well-known to be to the Left of the political spectrum, Paul Johnson, Peregrine Worsthorne and other are justifiably concerned.
Simon Clark
Media Monitoring Unit, 10 Barley Mow Passage, London W4.