17 APRIL 1841, Page 20


On the 10th inst., in Connaught Place, the Viscountess BERNARD, of a daughter. On the 5th hat.. at Genoa. Lady DE TABLET, of a daughter.

On the 11th, inst., at Adlestrop House, Gloucestershire, the Lady ELEANOR CATHCART, ofa SOIL At Keswick, the Lady of Count OSSALINSHY, of a daughter.

At Mickleham Hall, Lady ALBERT Cowart:mese of a daughter.

On the 13th inst.. at Richmond, the Right Hun. Lady Loom, of a son.

On the 11th inst., at Spenithorue. the Hun Mrs. &RAT:REESER, of a sun. On the 10th inst., the Lady of H. S. Cartems.v, Esq., or the Middle Temple. Bar-

rister, of a son.

On the eth inst., at Preeton Vicarage, near Brighton, the Lady of the Rev. WALTER

KELLY. of soon.

On the 10th inst., in Bloomsbury Square, the Lady of the Rev. W.POYSIDER, of a son. On the 28th alt., the Wife of Mr. Gronaz E. PORDE, coal-weigher, Dowlais Iron- works, of four children, three girls and one boy.


On the 14th inst., at Walton, Warwickshire. THOMAS Dime ACLAND. Esq., MX., eldest son of Sir Thomas Dyke Aclaud, Bart., to Many, eldest daughter of the late Sir Charles Mordaunt. Bart.

On the 15th inst.. at St. Mary's Church. Sir EDWIN Psen.sow. of her Majesty's Household, to the Hon. ALICIA ANNE Hewer, eldest daughter of Viscount Lillord. On the 13th inst., at Cheltenham, the Rev. T. C. H. LEAVER, late Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford. to Beale/tee Cnemarrre, third daughter of Sir John Morris. On the 15th inst., at Blendworth Church. the Rev. HENRY Foaerse, eldest sou of the late Captain Henry Forster. of the Twentvehird Regiment. to ELLEN, youngest daughter of the late RearAdrniral Sir Michael Seymour. Bart., and K.C.B. On the 15111 inst., at St. George's. Hanover Square GERVASE PARKER Bostic. Esq.. Attache to her Mdesty's Legation at the Court of Hanover, to LAURA GEORGIANA., daughter of the late John Henry Smyth. of Heath, York. On the 13th hist.. at Blickling. CHARLES WILLIAM. eldest surviving son of Robert Marsham. Esq.. of Stratton Strawless. Norfolk. to EMILY Louisa, third daughter of Reginald George Macdoualti, Chief of Clahronald. On the lath inst.. at Curium-11,ton, Slant*. WILLIAM.second son of WALTER Lowe, Esq., of Preehaw House. Slants, ta EsizAnern HARE, only child of the late James Hare Jot- liffe Esq., of Balliford, Sumereet. On the 2d February. at Pisa. THOMAS JERVIS Antos, Esq., to CELIA, daughter of Sir Richard Ottley. late Chief Justice of Ceylon. On the lath inst., at South Cnstle Street. Edinburgh, Witeevm C. R. PATRICK, Esq.. of Waterside. Advocate. youngest son of the late Robert Patrick, Esq., of Hessilhead, M.D., Inspector-Heuer:II of Army Hospitals. to AGNES, eldest daughter of the late Wil- liam Cochrane. Esq., of Ladylike& A) rehire. On the 9th Febriarv. at Iterhampoor. in the East Indies. Lieutenant Eummen Siss- MORE, Sixty ninth Reeimeut Native Infantry. to Am SLT A, second daughter of Lieutenant- Colohel Wilkinson, of her Majesty's Forty.tlinth Regiineut. On the 12th inst. at Mapertou. Joust EVELERMI Wyeenam. Esq., r nly son of the Rev. John Heatheote Wyndham, of Corton, near Sherborne, to Etszserni GERILDINE. eldest daughter of ISeatenant-Colonel Fitzgerald, of Maperton House, leomerset, and Furlough. County Mayo. Ireland. On the 12111 Met.. at Plumblauds, near Cockermouth, A. R. WitasTra. Esq., of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. IO HARRIET, eldest daughter of the Rev. James Bush, Rector of South Luffenham, Rutlaudshire, and of Flumblands, Cumberland.


On the 12th just., the Right Honourable Dowager Lady Sworn-roes at Hazelwood On the 10th inst., at his house in Bolton Row, General Sir R. C. Fseorrsors G.C.B., Al P. for Not ineham.

Out the 31st iu his 74th year, Sr Josten HUDDART, of Brynkir, Carnarvaneltire, and Norfolk Creseent, Bath.

On the leth inst., at his residence, Clough House, near Sheffield, BARTHOLOMEW Iloonsrreen, Esq., in his 67Ih year. On the 31st ult., at Marseilles, ef a disease of the heart, Colonel Jenne CAMPBELL, late of the Forty-second Highlanders. On the 11th inst., at Edinburgh, MIS. RANALDSON MACDONNIILL settior, of Glengarry and Clam-anal& On the 4th inst.. at the Rectory. Coalsilon. in his 72d year, the Rev. WILLIAM Wool), Prebendary of Canterbnry and Rector ef Coulsdon. On the 11th inst.. in Fitzroy Square. the Rev. Cosuo CHARLES Onme, youngest son of the late Major Alexander Oime, in his 26th year. On the Ilth inst.. at his house in Wilton Crescent, WILLIAM MAXWELL Esq.. in his 76111 year. On the 13th inst., at Lawerd, Eesex. R. W. Cox. Esq., one of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace. and Deputy-Lieutenant fahe county.

On the 9th inst., in Lower Seymour Street, Portman Square. after a short illness, Eseesoa. Wife of Edward S. Blundell, M.D.

Oa the 13th inst., in Wimpole Street, in his 77th year, NICHOLSON CALVERT, Esq., of Hunsdou House, Herts, formerly M.P. fur the County of Hertford. Ou the 25th January, on his passage to England on board the Malabar, in his 27th year, Lieutenant GEORGE DANIS, of the Eighteeutlt Royal Irish, son of Colonel W. B. 'Davis, of Upper Harley Street. On the 10th Met., at Fiuchley, JOHN WILLIAMS POUNCT, Esq., in his 88th year. At Sherburne Cottage, Is!ington. in his 97th year, Mr. Josue Nies, who retained all his faculties until within a few hours of his deaths

On the 30th ult.. in Richmond Union Workhouse, AssWritTermern, in her 102d year. She en:oyed every faculty till the last few mouths, when after a fall she became rather lame, and a little dull of bearing ; could thread a needle witheut spectacles, eat a crust as well as ever, having only teat one tooth, and that only a few weeks ago. She re- tained her usual quickness of memory up to the day of her death.