17 APRIL 1841, Page 20


Arrived—At Graveeend. April 19th, Eleanor, Jackson. from Bengal; and Agrippina. Rogers, from Ceylon. In the Downs. 15th, Washinetou. Walter; tool Beceplialus, Ful- cher, from Bengal; and L rd Gmlerich, Kay, from Maililla. At Liverpool, 100, George Canning, Harvey. from lelauritins ; 11th. Frances, Cerkhill. from Bombay; and lath. Blumige. Banks, Cr. m Bengal. At St. Helena, previous to February e2d. Cambyses. Hideleuson, from Bengal; Spence. Losh ; Eeperauce. Mackie; Milferd, Rees; and William Pitt. Robiuson, from Maur:ties; John Gerrow, Wilson, from B mbay ; and Fortitude. Purchase, from Singapore. Al the Cape previous to Feb. loOth, Ida, NEs. more, from Madras; Tartar. Young. from China; Prince Albert, Fewsen; Eliza Steward, Millar ; Ocean Queen, Bead ; Courier. Scott ; Norval, Ferguson ; Fortitude, Hutton ; Fleetwood, Al-Kas ; Henry, Todd ; Gratitude. Harvey ; Galatea. Tait ; and Stumm Crisp. Fleming. from London ; Mary Ann, Holton, from Dublin ; Harlequin, Harrison; George. hobertsou ; and John Bull. Rodger; from the Clyde; Fatima, Fethers ; Amwell. Hesse; and I. Mathewson, Brauscombe. from Liverp ol; Grafton, Cook ; and Lion. Restore from Newcastle. At Bombay, previous to February 28011, Earl Palearres, Vaux ; and Simon Taylor, Brewn. from Linden; Reliance. Hall; Brifiell Merchant, Buruie; Wave, ..cfeollay; Chieftain, Payne; and Urania. Ogilvie. from Liverpool; and Hope. Kerr, from the Clyde. At Madras, previous to Feb. 19th, Titus. Grenville. Thernhial; George Armstrong, JOIleS ; and India. Hen- 'Jerson. front London ; and Malay. Sinclair, horn the Clyde. At Bengal, previous to Feb. 13th, Edinburgh, Patteson; Duke of Argyle. Webit; Weimer Castle, Gamlen; Lord Lowther. Pattesou ; and Henry Tanner. Itissett. from Loudon : Tapley. Mallory ; Queen Math Ainley ; Spencer, Birkett; Hindi. Slawsuu ; Lady Seormont, Liddell; and Bland, Callen. from Liverpool ; Earl of Dadtonsie, Vu att; Buteehire, Currie; and Pink, from the Clyde. At Singapore, Laiittnaus. Scott, frem London; and Isabella, Gray, from the Clyde. At New South Wales previous to Dec. 5111,

Smith; Regulus, —; Eden, Naylor ; and Lavinia, Hall, from London; Janet Boyd, Teeming, from the Clyde ; Ann and Mary, Rackham; Argyieshire, —; aud Lap- wing. —, from Liverpool; Mary Taylor, Williams; James Watt. —; and Hind. Jones, from Newcastle. At Chum, St. Ge,rge. Wright; aud Herald, Watt, !tom London.

Sailed—From Gravesend. April 8th. Belle Alliance, Price. for China. From Liver' pool, 12th, Bangalore, Smith. for Bombay.


Arrived—At Liverpool, Esther, Heron, from Bengal.