The English Stock Market has this week again presen ted considerable ac- tivity, and the transactions have been rather numerous. The continued favourable accounts from Australia with reference to the gold-mines have in a great measure tended to increase the valuegf Government Securities, and Consols advanced on Monday Tuesday was the settling-day : money was very abundant, and as the rate of "continuation " was trifling, a further improve- ment of occurred. On Wednesday the Funds were less firm, and a reaction of took place, under the influence of sales by parties realizing ; added to which, the preparation for the settlement in Shares and Foreign Securities on that and the following day brought a little Stock to market. Ou Thursday, to- wards the end of the day, they rallied *; and at the close Consols were done at 100 for the Account. This is the highest price which has been realized since June 1845. Today there is no alteration. Bank Stock, Three per Cent Reduced, and Long Annuities, reopened for public transfer yesterday, and Three-and-a-quarter, per Cents today. The usual report prevailed yesterday with reference to a possible reduction in the Bank
rate of discount ; which remains undisturbed. Bank Stook has this week advanced 1, and India Stock 2 per cent. Exchequer Bills are 38. better. The accounts from the Continental exchanges continue unimportant. Foreign Securities have not been so much dealt in this week, and there has been a pause in most of the heavy Stocks that have experienced the greatest advance lately : these are stationary at the quotation of last week. An im- provement of 4 has taken place in the following compared with the last re- port—Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents and the Four per Cents, Mexican, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish Three per Cent Deferred, and Sardinian. Buenos Ayres are 3 per cent better.
In the Share Market, Railway lines have been much inquired after, and a rise to some extent has been the consequence. On Monday, most of the leading lines advanced from 108. to 1/. per share ; which was maintained on Tuesday ; but there was no farther increase in value generally, in conse- quence of the preparation for a rather heavy settling on Wednesday ; which having passed off favourably, a slight improvement occurred. On Thursday, on the arrival of orders from the country to purchase, there was a consider- able advance. Bristol and Exeter, and London and South-western, rose 1/. Great Western, 21. ; London and North-western, 108. ; Midland, 11. 6s.; and London, Brighton, and South Coast, 11. 10s, Today has brought a few eels lers, and prices are from 68. to 15a. lower. Foreign Railway Shares have not been so buoyant, and have been in- fluenced by the quotations from abroad with orders occasionally for sale, which has checked a rise that occurred at the commencement of the week. Compared with the last, an improvement to the following extent has taken place—Central of France, 10s. ; Namur and Liege, Si.; Northern of France, 168. ; Paris and Strasbourg, 158. ; Rouen and Havre, 78. 6d.; Paris and Lyons are 10s., and Boulogne and Amiens 2s. 6d. lower.
In the English Stock Market prices are the same as yesterday, with no- thing doing ; Consols for Money and the Account 994 100. In the Foreign House the quotations are also nominal. Railway lines are about the same as yesterday. Great Western have been done at 92i ; Great Northern, 204; North Staffordshire, 94.
In the English Market the Funds have declined in consequence of sales ; Consols being 994 4 for Money and 994 4 for the Account. There has not been the least alteration in Foreign Stocks. In the Share Market, Railway lines, after being rather lower, have rallied, and leave off tolerably firm—Aberdeen, 144; Bristol and Exeter, 93; Cale- donian, 204 ; Eastern Counties, 94 ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 324 ; Great Northern, 204; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 39f; Great West- ern, 924 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 744 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1034; London and North-western, 1254 ; London and South-western, 91; Midland, 68i ; South-eastern, 224 ; 'fork, Newcastle, and Berwick, 18S ; York and North Midland, 254; Namur and Liege, 64; Northern of France, 244 ; Faris and Strasbourg, 231 3 per Cent Consols
Ditto for Account 8 per Cent Reduced 84 per Cents • Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents Chili= 6 per Cents Danish S per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 6 99 f 9
100 11-16 218 72 264 99 96
102 103 78
13-16 191 74 7 101 98 4 6 80
Dutch 21 per Cents 610/ 21
Ditto 4 per Cents 93 41 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 35
Peruvian 6 per Cents t
Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 381 91 Ditto 3 per Cents 1824 98 100 Russian 5 per Cents 114 16 Ditto 41iper Cents 034 44
Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 1—
Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 471 81 Ditto Deferred 3 pe Cents 1851 211 Sardinian Bons 97 8