17 APRIL 1852, Page 21


Tuesday, April 13.

Patrzennsnres DIS:OLVE19.-Burch and Lucas, King William Street, tailors-Ed- kins and Son, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, silversmiths-G. and G. F. Hossiter, London Wall, clothiers-S. and A. Lafone, Liverpool, tanners-March and Co. Lei- cester, iron-founders; as far as regards J. Trickett-Williams and Stanley, Hope Street, Hackney Road-Smith and Boyle, Great Portland Street, Portland Road, licensed victuallers - Goodhall and Roodhouse, Leeds, upholsterers Parry and Onions, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, steam-engine-makers-T. P., T., and J. Bra,, irmingham, goldsmiths; as far as regards T. P. Brag-G. and IL Saul, St. Helen's, Lancashire, coal-proprietors-Haywood and Co. Wortleyonanu- lecturers of prussiate of potash-Wheeler and Astley, Birmingham, manufacturers of corkscrews-Lechevalier and Co. Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square-Moore and Rigby, Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire, iron-founders-Grundy and Co. Liverpool, rice- millers -Turner and Son, Heneage Street, Buck Lane, Christ Church, brewers- Hindle and Co. Halifax, engineers; as far as regards J. Hindle-Constantine and Co. Leeds, cabinet-makers-Servant and Duffield, Leeds, cloth-dressers-WignalP and Davis, Cambridge, nurserymen-Howbotham and Garner, Manchester, silk-manu- facturers -Hills and Sutcliffe, Bradford, slate-merchants; as far as regards W. Hill.

Bavitaorrs.-Davin nutters Lyman, Fenchurch Street, merchant, to surrender April 23, May 29: solicitors, Sole and Turner, Aldermanbury; official assignee, Pen- nell, Guildhall Chambers-JosErn Woon Acttorn, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted- spinner, April 30, May 28: solicitors, Woven and Co. Halifax ; official assignee, Young, Leeds-Sant/et HODGETTS BROOKES, Gresford, Denbighshire, wire-manu- facturer, April 23. May 20: solicitors, Evans and Sons, Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool.

DIVIDENDS.-Illay 4, Harrison, Frith Street, ironmonger-May 4, Senior, Fording- bridge, Hampshire, apothecary-May 7, Peverley and Charlton, Sunderland near the Sea, ship-builders-May 7, Horrocka, Manchester' merchant-May 6, Byrom, Man- chester, coal-proprietor-May 6, Taylor, Liverpool, commission-agent. CERTIFICATES.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.—May 26, Knock, Eton, nurseryman-May 7, Heimann and Geller, Liver- pool, merchants-May 5, Sherlock, Liverpool, wine-merchant-May 4, Ellison, Li- verpool, ironmonger. SCOTCH Smatutermanows.-Paterson, Campheltovrn, distiller, April 20, May 11-Os- borne, Newmills, innkeeper, April 19, May 10-Crichton and Sons, Dunning, wool- manufacturers, April 16, May 7-Richmond, Greenock, shoe-maker, April 19, May 10 -Douglas, Hamilton Farm, near Falkirk, cattle-dealer, April 20, May 11.

_Friday, April 16. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Castelli and Giustiniani, London-Hirst and Co. Longwood, Huddersfield, scribbling-millers; as far as regards T. Smith and J. Han- son-Harding and Capper, Ashton-under-Lyne, drapers-H. and F. Hitching, Storey's Gate, engineers-T. and H. Smith, Pancras Lane, agents-R. and R. J. Greenhalgh, Madeley, Shropshire, grocers-Hilliard and Whatmough, Wickford, Es- sex, surgeons-Rayner and Brown, Liverpool, commission-agents-The Flint Marsh Colliery Company, Flintshire ; as far as regards E. Bower-Drewry and Adams, Be- verley, Yorkshire, drapers-Brook and Co. Manchester, stuff-manufacturers-Wes- tenon Quarry, Durham; as far as regards J. Pattison and W. Buxton-Squires and Reeves, New Road, Hotherhithe, bone-boilers-Massey and Son, manufacturers of patent logs-Coate and Co. Sherborne, grocers—Small and Co. Burton-upon-Trent, small-ware-manufacturers; as far as regards J. Sharpe-Jackson and Goodman, Hull, ale-merchants-Lewis and Salmon,-Nantwich, Cheshire, mercers-Dyson and Co. Almondbury, Yorkshire, cloth-finishers; as far as regards M. Dyson-Noyes and Ropes, Manchester, shoe-makers, and Ropes and Co. Liverpool, ice-dealers-Daw- son and Archer, Ashborne, Derbyshire, guano-dealers.

BARRY PTCY Asomm.rm.-Witmew GREEN, Coggeshall, Essex, builder.

Baleaeurrs.-Wittram and CnAutzs JOHN JONES, High Street, Islington, plumb- ers, to surrender May 4, 25: solicitors, Hill and Mathews, Bury Court, St. Mary Axe; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane-Witmax Lawson, Hiss, Norfolk, chemist, April 26, May 25: solicitors, Miller and Carr, Easteheap , official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Jonw STUTELY' Salisbury Street, Stepney, mason, ARIL 23. May 28: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official as- signee, Whitsnore, Basinghall Street-Jaanss and Wittiest TODD, Yarm, Yorkshire, saddlers, April 30, May 28 : solicitor, Middleton, Leeds ; official assignee, Freeman, Leeds--JAMES LEADER, Liverpool, joiner, April 26, May 31 : solicitor, Tyrer, Liver- pool; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool-JOHN RYMER, Gateshead, paper-manu- factur. r,' May 6, (and not April 29, as before advertised): solicitor, Harle, South- ampton Buildings; official assignee, Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Divnm Al sns.-ay 7, Shelford, S(bndon, Hertfordshire, butcher-May 7, Spalding,

Cambridge, ironmonger-May 1, Radom, Hertford, chemist-May 1, Winch. Mar- gate, tailor-May 11. Perry, Harlow, Essex, grocer-May 11. Hatch, Friday Street, furrier-May 11, Starkey, Old Street, carpenter-May 11, Nicholas, Newport, Mon- mouthshire, timber-merchant-May 7, Rayner, Manchester, tailor-May 8, Richards, West Bromwich, grocer-May 6, Padgett, Idle, Yorkshire, cloth-manufacturer-May 7, Common, North Shields, draper-May 14, Seymour,Sunderland, linen-draper. CE1111FICATE5.- To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of effsly.-Itlay 10, Conies, York Street, Westminster, cheesemonger—May 11, Miall, Ingram Court, Feuchurch Street, cement-manufacturer-May 7, Heimann and

Geller, Liverpool, merchants-May 14, Moon, Borrowby, Yorkshire, corn-miller- May 24, Savage, Bradford, Yorkshire, druggist.

DECLARATIoNs or Drvinarens.-G. and A. T. Webb, Great St,- Helen's, wine-mer. chants; second div. of 2d. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Rufford and Co. Stourbridge, bankers; first div. of la. 6d. any Thursday before June 30; Whitmore, Birmingham. Soma Smaurrntaxions.-Mathew, Dundee, heckle-maker, April 22, May 20- Barr, Glasgow, tea-merchant, April 21. May 12.