17 APRIL 1852, Page 9

'Some sensation was created in Paris on Thursday by the

announce- -meat that the "Imperial Almanaek of Russia, published at Warsaw, con- tained this assertion of Legitimacy in France—' Kingdom of France, Henri V. Heir apparent, Comte de Paris.' " Later accounts state that explanations had passed between the Foreign Minister and the Russian Ambassador; and that assurances had been given that "there was nothing of an offensive kind meant to France or its President,"—sufficiently un- meaning.

The Paris correspondent of the Morning Chronicle writes, under yes- terday's date— "Louis Napoleon seems determined to get rid of his Senate and Legisla- tive Corps, by bringing them into contempt. The Senate has adjourned sine die, for want of business. The Legislative Corps had also adjourned, but has been called together today to receive the report on the only public bill hi- therto brought before it, namely, that with respect to the copper coinage. " Both the Senators and the Deputies feel the awkwardness of their posi- tion, and have made attempts to give some importance to their duties ; but hitherto they have been met in a manner which does not by any means encourage their aspirations, and they now feel that the rules by which their powers are limited prevent them from doing anything. Whin they want to speak to a Minister on public business, they are no longer received at once, but a certain hour is fixed, when they may see the Minister's secretary; and should they insist on seeing the Minister him- self, they are allowed to kick their heels for hours in the waiting-room. They are no longer allowed the privilege of visiting all public establishments on the production of their medals ; and occasionally they have been exposed to further indignities, from which their position as gentlemen would have saved them, had they not the misfortune at the same time of being Senators and Deputies. It is said that among those who show ,the greatest bitterness on the subject of their new position is M. de Montelem- bert. He and his friends have come to a resolution as to a general answer, which they now give to all the soliciters of favours by whom they are besieged. 'Gentlemen, they say, 'in my quality of Deputy it is im- possible for me to do anything in the affair which you recommend to me.' "

The correspondent of the Morning Chronicle states that " an ex- traordinary scene" took place in the Place Venddme on Wednesday night. Prince Paul of Wurtemberg lay on his deathbed, as was thought ; and round him were gathered Jerome Bonaparte, some- time, King the Ministers of Wurtemberg and of Russia, M. Berrym, and the Prince and Princess of Nassau. When the patient seemed in extrensa, the Pope's Nuncio arrived, in full canonicals ; and Ma- dame de Montessuy, natural daughter of the Prince, announced that he had been received into the bosom of the Church of Rome a fortnight since. The Prince of. Nassau rose, and stated that Prince Paul had not for some time been in a fit state of mind to resolve on such a course : and, protesting for hiMself and family against the Prince Paul's supposed abjuration of the Protestant religion, he retired. Extreme unction was administered to the patient; but afterwards he rallied. Abjuration of Protestantism by Prince Paul would forfeit his princely rights in Wur- temberg, and affect those of the Prince of Nassau.

Mr. Manning, brother of Archdeacon Manning, was last week received into the Roman Catholic Church, together with his four children.—Ro- man Correspondent of the Morning Chronicle.