BOOKS RECEIVED.— Shakespeare, Bacon, Johnson, and Greene. By E. J.
Castle. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—Property Law for General Readers. By W. C. Maude. (Effingham Wilson.) — The Sense of Beauty. By G. Santayana. (A. and C. Black.)— Sa.cramentarium Leonianum. By the Rev. C. L. Feltoe, B.D. (Cambridge University Press.)—Regeneration. By J. Angus, M A., D.D. (Alexander and Shepheard.)—The Hebrew Monarchy. By A. Wood, M.A. (Eyre and Spottiswoode.)—The Apostolic Ministry in the Scottish Church. By R. H. Story. (W. Blackwood and Sons.)—Saint Benedict. By the Right Rev. Abbot Tosti. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—The Early Churches of Great Britain. By J. Hunt Cooke. (Alexander and Shepheard.) — Foundations of Faith. Part I: The Existence of God Demonstrated. By Fr. L. von Hammerstein, S.J. (Burns and Oates.)—The Knowledge of Life. By H. J. Harold. (Constable and Co.)— .Outlines of Economic Theory. By H. J. Davenport. (Macmillan and Co.)—Studies in Theology. By Guy Sylvester. (J. Hey- wood.)—The Right of Systematic Theology. By B. B. Warfield, D.D. (T. and T. Clark.)—Hours with the Bible : St. Peter to Revelation. By Cunningham Geikie, D.D., LL.D. (Longmans and Co.)—The Chief End of Man. By G. S. Merriam. (Houghton, Mifflin, and Co.)—Religious Faith. By the Rev. H. Hughes, M.A. (Began Paul, Trench, and Co.)—The Spiritual Standard. By W. Hobhouse, M.A. (Rivington, Percival, and Co.)—Parents and Children. By Charlotte M. Mason. (Kogan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—The Cross in Modern Life. By the Rev. T. G. Greenhough, M.A. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—A Calendar of the Inner Temple Records. Vol. I. Edited by F. A. Inderwick, Q.C. (H. Sotheran and Co.)—The Prophecies of Jesus Christ. By Dr. Paul Schwartzkopff. (T. and T. Clark.) —The Gospel of the Divine Sacrifice. By C. C. Hall, D.D. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—The Shadow Christ. By G. S. Lee. (Fisher Unwin.)—Bread from the Holy Place. Compiled by M. A. Coleby. (Isbister and Co.)—The Life of Christ. By the Rev. J. Duggan. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—The Significance of the Old Testament for Modern Theology. By J. Lindsay, M.A. (W. Blackwood and Sons.)—Zeiler's Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics. Translated by Costelloe and Muirhead. 2 vols. (Longmans and Co.)
(For Publications of the Week, see next page.)