These arc some of the factors which have helped to
produce the decline in the power and prestige of the Government. If further damage is to be prevented, counter measures must be taken. In my view, the first essential is that Mr. Baldwin should use the opportunity of his next speech in the country to state firmly that he is not contemplating retirement. The attacks on him arc in part inspired by the belief that he is " on the run and that if only the pressure is maintained he will resign. Such a feeling is bound to have an adverse effect on the loyalty of his supporters. Some attempts also must be made .to organise the very substantial body of Left Wing support that exists within the Government ranks. It is unfortunate that so many of the Whips, apart from Captain Margesson, who is a Baldwinian Liberal, arc fundamentally Right Wing in sympathy and outlook. They often fail to convey to the Leaders the real opinions of the rank-and-file.
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