The only comment on the three famous Times articles that itself demands comment was pro- duced by the Lord Chancellor in the House of Lords. 'I find it difficult to accept,' pontificated Lord Dilhorne, 'that the gentleman who wrote this in The Times, whoever he may be, can really claim to be a Conservative.' It has not previously been revealed that the Lord Chancel- lor, apart from being the Keeper of the Great Seal, was also the Keeper of the membership roll for the Tory Party. Nor if one studies his con- tributions to the practice or philosophy of the party and compares them (say) with Mr. Enoch Powell's are the Lord Chancellors claims exactly overwhelming. One day the Tory Party will realise that Disraeli's comment that if the Tory Party be not. a national party it is nothing is still as true today. For my part I find the anonymity of the articles oddly out of character, and I detest the writer's views both on the Commonwealth and on economic planning. But unlike the Lord Chancellor I would defend to the death- his right to put them forward - and to proclaim himself a Conservative.