EAST 1N.111A
Arrivel-A1 Gravesend, .1ng. 1201, t'ove, from Mensal ; and itsitu, For- from Siogapore; 14th, 4..leirles I leart ly, I loliper, from lini4,11; 15111, sophin, 7%1 Nair, from 1htto; and Sir (1. Arthur, Tii.da II, from you s Lamb :1t Mineury, Uuilos, frion Sin :avow ; l'her111., '.%lattli.•w,, from ceylou ; and Fe- licity. Sinall, fr..ill 1.1w t'ape. At LI\titt tit, 11111, Earl I:ley. Morton, iota Itengal ; and 157h, Nei% Thoina9, from ilic Cape. Al Si. 1 , Sarno', from \i turiiiiis. At die Cape, Julie 1st, liobb, from Newcastle ; Vitiellt, Tint's, front 1..indon; 5:11, Isabelle, Uldis, lists thaii; 111th, l'hitm, !Skittle, from Madras; 13.11, Courier, from ',melon; and Mary, limiter, from Cork. lira\ esend, Aug. 1011a, NVeliington, I.,idilelt, for i■ladras; tout llth, se,dm, r.:ne From Liverpool. 1;111. Ai:La, l'onsonhy, li)r China ; and ; 14th, Francis Ault, hayre, for China; and 15t11, London, lust', 1,,r Beicgal.