In the House of Commons on Wednesday Mr. Lambert, the
Civil Lord of the Admiralty , announced that the Channel Fleet is to be strengthened. The armoured cruisers ' Black Prince' and the • Duke of Edinburgh' will be added to the first cruiser squadron, and the two destroyer flotillas with their attendant vessels will be attached to the Channel Fleet. In other words, the Government have now done what their newspaper critics have been urging upon them for several months. It would be most unfair and most unwise of us to say anything which might seem to reflect on the Government's change of view. Instead, we hold that they ought to receive the praise of all sensible men for not being afraid of doing the right thing at last. The temptation not to admit an error is always great., and those who resist it, especially if they are politicians, deserve the thanks of the public. While congratulating the Government and the Admiralty, we must also congratulate the Standard, which took the lead in the demand for an increase in the Channel Fleet. But though the additions to the Channel Fleet are satisfactory as far as they go, we greatly regret that an addition was not made to the battleships. An increase of at least two battle- ships is imperatively demanded, and we sincerely trust that the Government, having gone so far in the right direction, will not spoil the effect by hardening their hearts in this respect.