The new Army appointments were formally announced on Tuesday last.
Sir John French succeeds the Duke of Connaught as Inspector-General of the Forces, while
Lieut.-General Smith-Dorrien, now Commander of the Fourth Quetta Division of the army in India, succeeds Sir John French as the General Officer Commanding-in-chief at Alder- shot. The Duke of Connaught, it will be remembered, will occupy the new post of Commander-in-Chief and High Com- missioner in the Mediterranean. The important duties assigned. to him will, no doubt, be carried out with the thoroughness and the public spirit always displayed by his Royal Highness. Sir John French proved at Aldershot an admirable trainer of men. It is, indeed, not too much to say that he raised his command to a point of efficiency never before reached by any British force in peace time. If, as Inspector-General, he can inspire the rest of the commands in the United Kingdom with a similar spirit, and can tune them to the same pitch, the nation will have much to be grateful for. General Smith- Dorrien, though he will not find it easy to maintain " the French standard," has a great opportunity before him.