The Rose - Bay Willow - He'rb Plant
I find it difficult to escape from that irrepressible plant the rose-bay willow-herb. One more or less new fact emerges. Its disappearance is on occasion as remarkable alniost as its multiplication, so perhaps it will not wholly eat up either Scotland or bombed London. The experience of a very observant naturalist on the Clyde is that it is often followed after a reign of a few years on a newly-cleared site by foxglove and primrose. So may it be. On the subject of plants that have sown them- selves in London, the most surprising to my mind is the Buddleia. Both the more common Veitchiana and the rather rarer and deeper coloured Magnifica are to be seen on bombed patches. Will they bring to London the autumnal butterflies that flock to their honeyed scent?