A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or a copy of Chambers Dictionary, value £11.95 — ring the words 'Chambers Dictionary' above) will be awarded for the first three correct solutions opened on 2 September. Entries to: Crossword 721, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.
■ 9
16 12 .11■. 1137 aii4 1-1111
11 06124
■ I127
1A (two words), 10, 18, 43 (two words) have something in common, and are each formed from the letters of two other unclued lights. The latter include one phrase and three proper names. Ignore an accent in a clued light.
Name Address ACROSS 9 Talented one boasted no end (4)
11 Bury match with Welsh for a formal meeting (9)
12 Beaks — VIPs (4) 14 German sharpshooter, say, facing English in quarrel (6) 16 Like vegetable fuel, green type half cut (5)
20 Fool eating bad pies shows freedom from blood-poisoning (7 21 Un) derstanding, even full of wine 24Hebrideans resettled
miles around NE (7)
26 Scot in charge of hydrophobia (5)
28 Those who get up early before the Queen on Sunday (7) 31 Thus I'm recoiling with twitch of body-segment (7) 37 Unionist split, burning (5) 38 Handle fuse in box — short (5) 39 Explosive carom shot gets centre of red (6) 40 'E's holding copper coins (4) 41 °Tangled Vine' among girl's early works (9) The solution to Crossword 718 is on page 39. Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service. DOWN 1 Spotted dead fruit (6) 2 Turn on lane fractured bones (5)
4 Outsize type jacket, tinted in part (5)
5 Having veins, located in neck (7) 6 People who shun Commie in bar turned up (7) 7 Relish — e.g. in brawl (6) 8 One with East-West connections from odd area in US (8) 13 Critics who cover the House?
19 ne involved with plots could be seeding, right? (8) 23 Foot! Short breed hunting-dog (8) 27 Heralds' wands — caught a leader with one (7) 29 Prevalent disease requiring measure in relation to people (7) 30 Starting due east on pleasure trip, then winding (6) 32 Headwear, vulgar cloak 'e doffed (6, hyphened) 35 One with ardour, we hear, English (5)
36 Girl, second one in employment (5)