. Protesting too much
Sir: I can hardly blame Michael CoveneY for using your letters pages to try and get his own back on me (10 August). He still bears some ugly scars from his last effort to belittle my competence as a theatre critic. The intemperate abuse he showers on me over my article in The Spectator ('Look back at myths', 3 August), which attempted to place Osborne's Look Back in Anger in a proper historical perspective, is similar to the generalised smears he directed at me in his recent book, The Aisle is Full of Noises. After I threatened to sue him for libel over his assertions, he had to publish an apology' pay me damages and take the book out of circulation.
I don't know why he is conducting this vendetta against my 40-year career as a the- atre critic. Not so long ago I enjoyed his hospitality at a delicious dinner of gefilte fish cooked by his delectable wife.
Milton Shulman
51G Eaton Square, London SW1