17 DECEMBER 1831, Page 21


December 15, 1531.-.1. W. Lunnocx, Esq. Treasurer, in the Chair. Philip Hard- wick, Esq. and H. It. Palmer, Esq., were admitted Fellows of the Society. Sir. Bar- row gave notice, that at the next, or at some future meeting, he would propose for election as Fellow of this Society, the Right Honourable Sir James Graham, Bart. member of his Majesty's l'rivy Council.

The remainder of Mr. Faraday's paper " On the Connexion between Electricity and Magnetism," and also a paper " On the Structure of the Ornithorhynens Paradoxus," by Mr. Griffin, were read. The following books were presented. Observations of the Tides at Milford Haven; presented by John Barrow, Esq. Colour Images in the Brain; by Jolm Fearn, Esq. Contributions towards the Means of Preventing Cholera Morbus. On Cholera Morbus ; by 51. Moreau de Jonues.