The transactions of the week in English Stock have been of less importance than those which have occurred during any similar period for some time ; the fluctuation in Consols not having exceeded 6 per cent. In pursuance of the arrangements which we noticed last week as having been entered into between the Bank of England and an eminent commercial house, 200,000 sovereigns have been received from France on account of the Directors. A decided ha- provemeut has taken place in the rate of exchange on Paris ; the quotation being from to h per cent, above that at which it has ruled for some time. This amendment is chiefly attributable to the fact of several of the princi- pal mercantile houses in the United Statea having opened extensive credits with Louses at Paris and Bordeaux, and that the bills drawn upon those cities in con- sequence of this proceeding have been sent to London, and by their negotiation have produced the effect upon the rate of exchange. The premium of Exchequer Bills has been well supported ; and in the absence of sales of these securities by the Bank of England, there can be little doubt that it will continue to improve. A belief has been gaining ground during yesterday and to-day that the extent to which the Directors have recently been assisting some of the large provincial Banking establishments, has been such as to render a sale of Exchequer Bills on the part of the corporation an imperative proceeding. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has been the subject of considerable though not extensive fluctuation. The price has varied between 21 and 196, and the closing quotation of to-day is about 1 per cent. above the latter price. The fate of Bilboa is still in suspense ; but the accounts of the operations be- fore that town must be received with considerable caution, as they are entirely those circulated by the Carlists, as from the boisterous state of the weather we are without any direct accounts from the place itself. The uncertainty in which the payment of the dividend upon the Portuguese Three per Cents, has been involved, has produced considerable fluctuation in the price of the Stock. The only means in possession of the agents of the Government to meet the pay- ment of these claims, which become due on 1st Januaty, being the unappro- priated surplus of the last loan negotiated with Mr. J. L. Gor.nsmin, amount- ing to 230,0001. nominal capital, upon which there was considerable disinclina- tion among our capitalists to make the requisite advances ; it therefore was for some time a question, whether the necessary amount, 90,000/., could he raised in time. But, as those difficulties have been overcome, there is no doubt that payment will be made in due course. The consequence of these circumstances Las been, first, a sudden decline, and then as rapid a rise in the value of the Bonds.
The Five per Cents., which, at the close of business on Wednesday, were 421 43, were on Thursday morning at 466, and after being at 436, closed this afternoon at 446; the Three per Cents, have not fluctuated in so great a de- gree, the extreme prices being 28 and 30. The Dutch and other European Stocks have been tolerably steady. A slight demand has occurred for some of the South American Stocks; but it has not led to any material improvement in the quotations. The Railway Share Market is firm, at considerably improved prices. A decline of from 2/. to 31. has occurred to-day in the price of the Southampton, but the quotation is still higher than our last.
The opening price of Consols for Account was 88i ; but an improvement of per cent, has since occurred, and the price is now 883 Z. India Bonds are 8s., and Exchequer Bills 12s. 14s. prem. The Foreign Stocks are heavy ; the Spanish Active has declined to 20i, Passive is 51 I, and Deferred 84. Considerable disappointment has been ex- pressed at the non-advertisement of the Portuguese Dividends, which it is con- tended ought in due course to have been advertised this morning : the price of the Stock has consequently been depressed, the Five per Cents. to 431, and the Three per Cents. to 28; ; but has since rallied 6 per cent. The per Share Market continues steady at the closing prices of yester- day; scarcely any thing of importance having occurred. The following are the prices of some of the principal varieties—Eastern Counties oh dis. par ; Great Western 13 14 pr. ; London and Birmingham 73 76 pr. ; Brighton (Steven- son's) 2136 pr.; Brighton (Rennie's) 1116 dis. ; Southampton 6 7 di,. SATURDAY. FOUR o'ci.orir. The Consol Market has given way about per cent. ; and the price for Ac- count, after having been all the afternoon at ssi 1, is now 88 11. A sale of 50,000 just previous to four o'clock having depressed the mai kia. The pre- mium upon Exchequer Bills has increased 1 : these securities hive }wen done at lb prem., and the closing price is 14 16. The Foreign Funds have been quite neglected during the afterenon : a small purchase, which was effected just previous to the close of huiriness, has caused an advance of j per eent, in the price of Spanish Active Stuck; the closing quotation of which is 206 6. The Passive and Deferred Stocks are also firmer, the former at 5; 6, and the latter at Money is still scarce for commercial purposes; arid good bills have been to-day discounted at 76 per cent.
3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account
3 per Cent. Reduced Neu 34 per Cent Anus India stuck Bank Siock
Excheillier Bills 14 16 prim
Belgian 5 per Cents 1004
Brazilian 5 per Cents 81 82
871 871
Danish 3 per Cents. 74 5 Dutch 24 per Cents t3f 4 Mexican 6 per Cents '22
Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts 444
Dem 3 per Cent. 204 I* Hit.° 5 per Cents IA:6 Scrip — Prussian (1818)5 per Cei.t. — Russian ((822)5 per Cent. 1074 4 Spanish (I835)5 per Cent 204