On the 10th October. at Cawnpore, in the East ladies, the Lady of Captain EDWARD Daarrau., Fifty seventh Regiment Bengal Native Itsfautry, of a daughter. On the 4th December, iu Prospect Street, Homcastle, the Lady of the Rev. EDMUND R. H. G. PALMER. of a son. On the 4th, at Costes Crescent. Edinburgh, the Lady of J. S. WOOD, Esq., of a son. On the 6th. at Dalinahoy, the Countess of Monroe. of a daughter. On the 6th. at the Rectory, Spennith-rue, Lady of the Rev. Boa. Puld.errm. of a son. On the 9th, at Tunbridge Wells, the Lady of Captain WETHERELL, 11.5.55., of a daughter. Ou the 9th, the Lady of the Rev. R. A. W. Commune, Perpetual Curate of Alveley, Salop, of a son, mild born. On the 9th, in Hertford Street. Mayfair, Lady CLAY, of a son. On the 9th, at Voelas, Denbighshire. Lady or CHARLES WYNNE junior, Esq., of asps. On the 10th, at Chesham Place. Lady loss RUSSELL.. of a son and heir, On the 10th. at Orsett House. Orsett, Mrs. GEOROE MACONACHIE, of a daughter. On the 11th. at Oltou Hail, the Lady of W. 11. WILSON, Esq., of a sun. On the 11th. at the house of her father, in Guilford Street, the Wife of the Rev. WILIJAW PARKES. of a daughter. Ou the 11th, at Lauderdale House, Highgate, the Lady of RICHAN.DP BETHELL, Esq., Q.C., of a sou. On the 14th, in Quebec St.. Portman Sq., Hon. Mrs. KEITH STEWART, of a daughter. Ou the 15th, iu Berkeley Square, the Hon. Mrs. Frrzeov, of a son.
Oa the 1st June, at Australind. Western Australia, Groans Emor, Esq., Govern- ment Resident at Banbury, to LOUISA. eldest daughter of M. Wuxi& Cesium, Esq., F. R.S., Chief Commissioner of the Westeru Australian Company, On the lath October, at Darwhar. ludia. Geoaos SesugL Peceetd,, Esq.. Forty. seventh Madras Native I afautry, eldest son of the late Captain S. G. Peelle'', R.N.. of Bexeley House, Hampshire, to Maar ROBERTSON, eldest daughter of Major
BaeM- sea, of the same regiment.
On the 5th December, at Windsor Street. Edinburgh, JOHN DETKIN Hereneoes, Esq., to Japans, daughter or the late Sir JAMES CAMPBELL Of Ardkintass. On the 6th. at Paris. at the British Embassy. the Rev. WILLIAM FRANCELIN, to PENELOPE MARIA, daughter of W. Arxxzee SAWYER. Esq.. of the Manor Estate. Clap- ham. Surrey. On the 1.0th, at Trinity Church, Bridgewater. JAMES SPENCER Noareccrra, Esq., of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. second Ala of George Barons Northcote.. Esq., of Somerset Court, Somerset. to SUSANNA SPANCEE Ruscrme, daughter of JOSEPH REM. CORSE POOLE, Esq., of Bridgewater. Oa the 13th. at All Soul's Church, Sir CHARLES Des Vmux, Bait., to Lady CECILIA PAULET, daughter of the Marquis of Winchester. On the 13th. at Leamington. Commander GORDON GALLIZ MACDONALD, R.N., to MARIA, surviving daughter of the Rev. WILLIAM GOBLE. M.A., formerly Fellow of Magdalen College. Oxford, and Widow of the law Wimaass GRAY, Esq., of the Inner Temple. Barrister at-law. On the lath, at fd..ry's Creeting. Suffolk. W. CUNNINGHAM DOUGLAS Esq., late Cap- tain Seventeeuth Lancers, LO LYDIA. LOUISA, daughter of Major Gen. CHARLES TURNER. On the lath, at Westhury•upon.Tyrm, Gloucestershire, the Rev. THOMAS u.rxwELL, M.A., second sou of Thomas Halliwell, Esq., of Islip, Oxfordshire, to MAZY MAN. martyr. eldest daughter of Joust Evros. Esq.. of Redlaud. in the former pariah.
Oa the 30th November, at Eagle Home. Blandford, Mrs. Maar Pr.everz.„ second daughter of the late Edmund Murton Playlet, Esq., or Milbouru St. Andrew, Dorset; iu her e91li year. On the ad December, at Portobello. near Edinburgh, Lientenant.Colonel Taoxas BATES. of al..• late Twenty-drat Light Dragoons. On the-5t1t, in Hampshire, Laxly BAYNES, Relict of the late Sir Christopher Baynes, Bart., of Harefield Place, Middlesex.
OD the 7th, the Rey. W. WALDEGRAVE PARR, of Ince Hall, Cheshire, youngest son of the late Hon. Mr:Justice Park; iu his 36th year. On the 9th, at Rouen. Lieutenaut PHILIP CHARLES Museum, of the Thirty-sixth Regi. Meat Bengal Native lu fautry, third son of the lute James Wolfe Murray, of Cringletie, psebleashire; in his 20th year.
On the 10th. at his seat. Hardwick Grange. Shropshire. General the Right Hon. Viscount HiLL, G.C.B., G.C.H., &c.. Colonel of the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards Blue. Governor of Plymouth, and late Chief of the British Army; in his 71st year.
On the 10th. at Cobham, Surrey. CAROLINE TREAT, Lady Molesworth. the Widow of Sir William Molesworth. Bart.. of Peucarrow, Corneal!: iu her 82,1 year. On the 10th, at Three Mile Cross, near Reading. GEO. Mei-soma Esq.; in his 82d tear. On the 10th. at St. Asaph, HOBERT lIswowni PEEL. Esq.. brother of the Right Hon. Sir Lawrence Peel, Chief Justice of Bengal, nod first cousin of the Right Hutt. Sir Ro- bert Peel. Bart.; iu his 53d year. On the 10th. at Brighton. MARGARET. the Widow of Alexander Macleod, of View. field, and formerly of the Res. Alexander Campbell. On the 11th. at Clapham, Mrs. ANN PANRUcKER; iu her 98th year. On the 12th, WILLIAM FREDERICK HILL RoOKE, youngest sou of Ma,:cr.General Sir H. Willuughby Rooke. On the 12th, at his house, in Edinburgh, ROBERT Hammes, Esq., of Auchiugray, iu the county of Lanark, in his 79th year.