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TEE life of the Court at Windsor Castle has been very quiet this week ; the Queen walking with the Prince, and occasionally riding in a pony phaeton ; the Prince diversifying his occupation with field-sports. The exception was when the Queen held a Privy Council on Saturday. It was attended by Prince Albert, Sir Robert Peel, the Duke of Wellington, the Earl of Aberdeen, Lord Stanley, Mr. Goulburn, the Earl of Haddingtotf, Lord Fitzgerald and Vesci, the Earl of Liverpool, Earl Delawarr, the Earl of Jersey, and the Marquis of Exeter. At the Council, Parliament was ordered to be further prorogued from Tuesday the 13th instant to Thursday the 2d of February ; and a proclamation was ordered to be issued, summoning the meeting of Parliament on that day, for the despatch of business. Several reports of the Judicial Committee were submitted to her Majesty in Council, and confirmed. Some Colonial orders were ap- proved.
All the Ministers took their departure after the Council, except Sir Robert Peel and the Earl of Liverpool, who remained on a visit to the Queen. Sir Robert staid till Monday, when he returned to Drayton Manor. Among other visitors have been the Earl of Aberdeen and Major Malcolm, who arrived on Thursday, and departed yesterday ; and on Tuesday the Hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz lunched with the Queen and Prince Albert.
The Prince, attended by Sir Robert Peel and others, enjoyed the E ,„spo0 of shooting on Saturday ; on Tuesday, his Royal Highness pur- sued klin tarot at Swinley ; and on Thursday, he hunted with the C17'r - beagles. ft• The Dulreqf Cambridge passed some time in shooting in Coombe Wood oa Idolday.