Tweaday, December 13. DISSOLVED. -Rambler and Lake, Birmingham, drapers-Taylor and Allen, Birmingham, engineers-Thompson and Williams, Epping, brewers-, Davis and Co. Manchester, linen-merchants-Smith and Co. Manchester, engineers ; as far as regards W. Moorejun. and J. Moore-K. and W. Belton, Dudley, hay- dealers-Harlow and Co. Radford, machinists; as far as regards L. Harlow-Carne and Co. Newtown Limavady, Londonderry, distillers-Steel and Hood. Liverpool, grain-merchants-Greensil and Marston, Birmingham, maltsters- Parkin and Wat- son, Seaham" Harbour, ship-brokers-Cooper and Co. Staley Lane, Cheshire, bleachers-Torrett and Greenlees, Bread Street, warebousemen-Tibbitts and Co. Walsall, lock-manufacturers ; as far as regards .f. Tibbitts-Swires and Sellers, Cleckheaton, maltsters-Bottonaley and Sons, Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff-manufac- turers; as far as regards H. Bottomley junior-Redfern and Girdham, Bread Street, eommission-agents-Broadhead and Atkin, Sheffield, manufacturers of silver-plated goods-Phi:max Foundry Company, Lancaster-Pizzie and Ferguseon, Noble Street, Foster Lane, carpet-manufacturers--Wheeler and Co. Plymouth, drapers-Mullins and Corke, Chew Magna, Somersetshire, attornies-Flackett and Co.Longton, Staf- fordshire Potteries, china-manufacturers ; as far as regardsJ. Clietham-Spence and Leslie, Edinburgh. drapers.
BANKROPTS.-JAmEs Bscironeson and Co. tipper Queen's Buildings, Brompton. upholsterers, to surrender Dec. 21, Jan. 24: solicitor, Pain,Gresharn Street ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Jacoe CONNOP, New Finchley Road, St. John's Wood, bill-broker, Dec. 23, Jan. 26: solicitor, Hare, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings- CHIIISTIAli Drinks, Garlic Hill, drysalter, Dec. 21, Feb. 4: solicitor, Spiller, South Place, Finsbury ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-SARUM. Beanarr, Hottndsditch, warehousemsn, Dec. 27, Jan. 24: solici- tor, Jones, Quality Court, Chancery Lane ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Wu-mom HOI-ILE, Manchester, cotton-manufacturer, Dec. 23, Jan. 20 : soli- citors, Whitwortbs, Manchester; official assignee, Lee, Manchester. Drvrosivne.-Jan. 9, Robins and Williams, London Wall, carriers-Jan. 9, Elkins, Southampton Place, Euston Square, coach-maker-Jan. 9, Dickeson, 'Basing- hall Street, auctioneer-Jan. 7, Prodgers, Sudlow, Salop, banker-Jan. 11, Ridge, Exeter, tailor-Jan. 20, Williams, Lower Wookey Mills, Somereetshire, paper-maker -Jan. 14, Earp, Uttoxeter, brewer-Jan. 9, Lathbury, Burton-upon-Trent, grocer.
CP.RTIFSCATES.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the dap of meeting.-Jan. 4, Clark, Oxford, livery-stable-keeper-Jan. 3, Bensley, Hornsey Road, builder-Jan. 11, Ridge, Exeter, tailor-Jan. 9, Bolt, Birmingham, silversmith-Jan. 9, Bradford, Leigh, Worcestershire, butcher.
DECLARATIONS OF Drvraxisns.-Spittlehouse„ Sheffield, joiner ; first div. of 6s. 8d. any Saturday; Brewin, Sheffield-Drake and Co. Wakefield, railway-truck-makers ; Bret div. of Is. 6d. any day ; Young, Leeds-Dixon, Bradford, iron-merchant; second div. of Is. 6d. any day ; Young, Leeds-Eccles, Walton-le-Dale, Lancashire, cotton- spinner ; final day. of 4d. any Tuesday ; Lee, Manchester-Hunt, Heaton Norris, Lancashire, paperemanufacturer ; first div. of 14s. 6d. any Tuesday ; Lee, Man- chester-Fenwick, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Iron-founder; second div. of 7s. 60. on the separate estate, any Saturday ; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Robinson, Man- chester, publican; first div. of Sr. any Tuesday; Lee, Manchester -Hig,ginson and Deane, Liverpool, merchants ; sixth div. of 8d. making with the previous dividends 53. 8d. any Wednesday ; Turner, Liverpool.
SCOTCH SEGCESTRATIONS.-Ogilvie, Dundee, merchant, Dec. 20 -Walkinshaw, Musselburgh, ironmonger, Dec. 28-Thomson, Glasgow, merchant, Dec. 22-Boyd, Paisley, manufacturer, Dec. 21 -Paterson, Glasgow, confectioner, Dec. 12-Pringle, Sproutston, Roxburghshire, Dec. 23-Collier, Glasgow, iron-founder, Dec. 23.
_Friday, December 16. Pew:Taman DISSOLVED.-Oswin and Co. Liverpool, boot-manufacturers-Jor- dan and Son. Reading, drapers-R. and T. Parkinson, Rollin-bank-in-Marsden, Burnley, chemists-Ashman and Haley. Manchester, sign-painters-Forrett and Greenlees, Bread Street, warehousemen-Chillingworth and Clark, Kingsland Road, paper-hangers-Willock and Co. Ladysbore-in-Little-Lever, Lancashire, terra-cotta- manufacturera-W. and II. Connolly, Liverpool, victuallers-J. and J. Whitehouse, Tottenham Court Road, spectacle-makers-Ashworth and Co. Rawtenstall, Lanca- shire, cotton-manufacturers-Gillon and Schofield, Bum butter-merehants-Foden and Blackshaw, Congleton, Cheshire, wheelwrights-Mmelow and Mould, Man- chester, cotton-spinnere-Richardson and Co. Springfield, Lurp,an, Ireland, cambric- manufacturers ; as far as regards J. Richardson.
Basitarisrs.-CLounres ALFRED Scarvarrea, Old Change, milliner, to surrender Dec. 27, Jan. 51: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Tisanes ARCHES., Braintree, woollen-draper, Dec. 31, Feb. 4: solicitor*, Aldridge and Bromley, Gray's Inn; official assignee, Nicholson, Basing- hall Street-Dminn. Enwmins and WILLIAM BISHOP, Hartland Road, Camden Town, builders, Dec. 31, Feb. 4: solicitor, Goren, Southmolton Street ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Don= Airranans, Manchester, share-broker, Jan. 6, 27: solicitors, Atkinson and Last, Manchester; official assignee, Lee, Manchester.
Divtomuss.-Jan. 6, Trangmar, Crawford Street, hardwareman-Jan. 6, R. P. and S. B. Pope, Adelaide Place, London Bridge, brick-manufacturers-Jan. 6, Miller, Dorking, auctioneer-Jan. 5, Bums, Liverpool, hosier. CairnmeArss.-2b be fronted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Jan. 6, Bell, Piccadilly, coal-merchant-Jan. 9, Sharp, Queen's Road, St. John's Wood, builder-Jan. 9, Atkinson, Wood Street, linen-warehouseman-Jan. 9, South, Maidstone, beer-seller-Jan. 9, Goldsmith, Queen Street, Cheapside, mer- chant-Jan. 10, Horlock, Northlieet, steam-engine-manufacturer-Jan. 9, Dee, Cambridge, plumber-Jan. 9, Bell, Deansgate, Manchester, hosier-Jan. 19, Baxter, Birmingham, builder.
DECLARATIONS or DivIDENDS.-Allan, Coleman Street, merchant; second div. of 5d. and 4s. 591. on new proofs, Dec. 17, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Dobson, High Holborn, inathematical-drawing-instrument-maker ; second div. of Sr. 10d. and 10s. 10d. on new proofs, Dec. 17, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court -Edwards, Deptford, linen-draper ; first div. of ls. 8d. Dec. 17, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court- Claphaui, Whittlesea, watch-maker ; first die. of 2s. 9d. Dec. 17, and three subse- quent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court-J. H. and F. H. Gould, Watling Street, lace-warehousemen; first div. of 5s. 13d. Dec. 17, and three subsequent Sa- turdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court- Byrnes, St. Thomas Apostle, Devonshire, dea- ler in marine-stores; div. of Sr. 101d. any Tuesday or Friday ; Hirtzel, Exeter- Id. and J. Brickdale, Taunton, bankers; die. (on the separate estate of IL Brickdale) of Is. 61d, on new proofs, towards 7s, already paid, any Tuesday or Friday ; Hirtzel, Exeter-Stephens, Truro, draper ; div. of 20, any Tuesday or Friday ; Hirtzel, Eire- ter-Pike, East Stonehouse, butcher; first div. of 2s. tid. any Tuesday or Friday; Hernaman, Exeter-Lilley, Liverpool, merchant; die. of Sr. 88d. on new proofs, on account of first div. is. any Monday; Bird, Liverpool-WMonnies, Liverpool, coin- mission-merchant; first div. of Is. 8d. any Monday.; Bird/ Li‘erpool--Dale, grove, Staffordshire, builder; first div. of Sr. 7d. any Thursday; Christie, Bins - ham-Boot, Birmingham, stationer; first div. of 4d. any Thursday; Christie, nil. mingham-Cornish, Tiverton, grocer ; first and final die. of Sr. 3d. any Tuesday sr Friday ; Hernaman, Exeter.
Sccrrca SEGIIIRSTRATIONS.-Fogo, I nverary, writer, Dec.26-Davie, Glasgow, greett Dec. 29-Bowie, Edinburgh, commission-agent, Dec. 27.