The report that "a large body of troops is under immediate orders embark in steamers at Cork for the Mediterranean" has been again Or' rent at Dublin. "The 1st of January is the day named for their de- parture", and "so pressing is the demand, that at least one regiment will be forced to march on Christmas Day, to arrive in time at the Owe of embarkation." This "one regiment" is the Sixty-second, now at Kilkenny. Orders have been issued to the Forty-sixth, in garrison et Dublin, to replace the Sixty-second.
The Dublin Exhibition Building was formally opened on Thursday, P.° a winter garden, by the Lord-Lieutenant and the Countesa St. Germans.
The Archbishop of Armagh has withdrawn his name as chietpatron of the College of "St. Columba." The reason assigned for this step,— which, it is said, inflicts a• fatal blow upon the College —is that the Warden, the Reverend Mr. Williams, signed 'the " isre:test" against Bishop Gobat An address of sympathy has lean forwarded by oeztaisuatimialkir tholic clergymen of Dublin to the Archbishop of Freiburg 7 09-4-Savings-ix/Ilk prove it to be in a perfectly solvent VI be Medicated that the cawing of this bank for repairs aAl.rish process of reasoning, to a run on a Dublin bank. Heamear-mtea 'entinue to be needed in Clare. In one eleetoral lAtioni the rate is as high as 78. in the pound; in four:others, the average is 5s. ; in five more, the seeer1geIS 4,14.7 j in thee about 3s. 44.; whilein two only the rate is a few pencia-bdow-the last-mentioned figure.
srisis ssesapiett, Mrs. Kelly offered a reward of 500/. for the apprehension ef 3fr. Gorge !Birch, *hem slip chargedwith embezzlement. Sergeant Bps, of the Detective force, arrested Mr. Birch; who was tried and as- -4catted. -ltd. Kelly refused to pay the reward: Ryan has sued her in the Calla ,Bench ; and, after a long and stormy trial, a Jury has band in-favour-0(th° Sergeant for the full amount, with sixpence costs. between - father and son, named Nolan, at Abbey- lmeekmoy, in Galway, the son struck the old man on the head with ft spade- handle, killing him on the spot.- The parricide fled. He is said to have -been subject-to ilta-of insanity.
Not less than 2,972,000/, was remitted from Irish emigrants in America m their friends and relatives at home in 1848, '49, '50, and '61. It is -mated that if the remittances have continued at the same rate, upwards km- millions must have beeiiremitted in the last six years.