17 DECEMBER 1853, Page 5


• :A-publk-meeting of the friends of national education is to be held in

• Ediriburghin-tlie beginning of January ; Lord Panmure in the chair.

The flrst winter exhibition of fat stock, in connexion with the High- bard Agripi-ultural Society of Scotland, was held on Monday, in the Edin- -burili Cattle Market: The show was not great in point of number, but the stock exhibited was very excellent. We observe, that although the names of the Duke of Sutherland, the Duke of Buccleuch, the Duke of lioxburgh, Lard Kinnaird, and other gentlemen, appear as competi- tors, the farmers carry away the chief prizes. The exception to the rule was that the Duke of Buccleuch exhibited the best pen of sheep of the Cheviat.breed._

The Glasgow -operatives are expected to strike shortly, in resistance to a contemplated reduction of wages.

From the number of proclamations of intended marriage at Glasgow it is inferred that the working classes there are in a very prosperous state.

Dr. Smith, a surgeon of Peterhead, has been sent to prison on a charge of murdering Macdonald, a poor blacksmith, by shooting him. Smith, who was not related to Macdonald, had effected insurances for 20001. on the black- smith's life.

A collier of Blaekbraes, near Falkirk, has been drowned in three inches of water; having fallen into it face downwards, while very drunk.

After an interval of three hundred years, a Roman Catholic priest has been established in Haddington. Ile officiates in a granary loft: the use of the Assembly-room was flatly refused.