17 DECEMBER 1859, Page 2


The good example set by the Commander-in-Chief in regard to the punishment of soldiers, has been followed by the Lords of the Admiralty, who have issued new punishment regulations. They are as follows- " The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty being desirous of revising the regulations respecting punishments in her Majesty's Navy, are pleased to direct as follows-

" I. All seamen and Royal Marines belonging to the fleet shall be divided into two classes, hereinafter referred to as the 1st and 2d class. "II. All men now serving in the fleet, whose character is marked 'good,' shall be in the 1st class. "III. All men on first entering the navy or reserves, and all men re- entering the navy with certificates marked good,' shall be also in the 1st class.

" IV. No man in the 1st class shall be subject to corporal punishment, except by sentence of a court-martial. "V. Men in the 1st class committing any grave offence against discipline, or guilty of repeated misconduct, will be removed by warrant into the 2d class. They will not be liable to corporal punishment at the time when they are so removed, but, in addition to degradation to the 2d class, other punishment may be inflicted, according to the degree of the offence. "VI. The 241 class will consist of all men whose conduct has not entitled them to certificates marked 'good.' "VII. No man in the 2d ckss shall be subject to corporal punishment without court-martial, except for the following offences- " 1. Mutinous, or highly insubordinate, or riotous conduct.

"2. Desertion.

"3. Repeated drunkenness. "4. Smuggling liquor into the ship. "5. Theft.

"6. Repeated disobedience of orders. "7. Deserting his post.

"8. Indecent assaults.

"VIII. Men in the 2d class, by a continued course of good conduct for a period of not less than twelve months, will be entitled to be restored to the 1st class.

"The above rules are not intended to relate to eases of open mutiny, where immediate punishment may be necessary to check a disposition on the part of others to join in so flagrant a crime. "Future punishment returns are to contain the number of men in the let and 2d class respectively.

"This circular is to be read to the crews of her Majesty's ships en each occasion of the Articles of War being read."