STOCK ExcEeNoz, Fewer Arricalloort.
There has been more business in the English Market than for some weeks past, Consols having varied more than 1 per cent. On Monday the opening figures were 951 95,I, with considerable firmness, and remained nominally at that price till Wednesday, when the leading article of the Times, contain- ing, what some presumed to be a semi-official notice, that the large amount of 10,000,0001. would be required during the next session of Parliament, for coast and dockyard defences, had the effect of depressing them till they were freely offered at 95f, from which price up to today a reaction occurred to 951 buyers; but, owing to reported lower French prices, they close this evening 951 95f. Indian Stool has varied during the week per cent. Money has been at about 2 and 21 per cent. Bank Stock, 228. The Market for Foreign Securities has been active, and a good deal of business has been done from day to day without effecting any material change in values. Buenos Ayres has scarcely moved, closing 7779, very few transactions having been recorded. Turkish Stock has been good, the old, 77 77k; and the New Six per Cents, 651 66; Russian Five per Cents firm at 108 110; Victor Emmanuel, 9596; and Sardinian, 85 86 ; Mexican has varied between 221 221, leaving off, 24 221; Buenos Ayres Three per Cents, 19 20; Peruvian Four-and-a-Half per Cents, 91 92; Peruvian Three per Cents, 70 11; Brazilian, 94 95; Portuguese, 45 46; Spanish, 441 45k; Venezuela, 28 29; Chilian Six per Cents, 104 106; Ditto Four- and-a-llalf per Cents, 87 89. Money has been in good demand at rather higher rates. Railway Stocks and Shares have again been buoyant notwithstanding the dulness of the Consol Market; prices have been advancing and the public have been purchasers to a large extent; the preparations for the settling of today showed a scarcity of stock, a large proportion of the bargains done for the 16th having been intended for real investment. The daily fluctuations have not been extensive, the tendency being continually towards further improvement. Contangos generally have been light, except in Dover and Birmingham Stocks. After the settling this afternoon quotations show firmness, and the principal lines close as follows: North British, 921 93; Cheater and Holyhead, 50 501 ; Berwick, 95 95k; Lancashire and York- shire, 991 100; Caledonian, 931 93k; South-Eastern, 831 84; London and Brighton, 114 115; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 37i 371; Great Western, 691 70; Midland, 1091 1091; London and North- Western, 981 991; London and South-Western, 9899; Great Northern, 106 107. In the French Share Market there has been a great deal more activity, and especially in the Lombardo-Venetian and Paris and Lyons shares; the former having improved about 1 per cent, closing 3 e premium, and the latter about 2 per cent f. The Market closes flat, owing to lower quotations from Paris. Joint- Stock Bank shares continue firm, with an average business doing. The Miscellaneous Markets are all good at advanced rates.