SIR,—When Janus quotes Mr. Winston Churchill as "the high authority" for saying, "All the greatest landscapes have been painted indoors," I feel an itch to challenge the statement, especially when I recall the indubitable masterpieces of Constable "done on the spot" and much of the work of the Impressionists. Would it not be safer to say "most" and not "all"? Again, when Janus quotes from Mr. Churchill's book, "Almost anybody can do it," I want to, whisper " . . in a fashion." But with Mr. Churchill's exhortation that "everyone should try it," I am in the fullest accord, for in my eight years' experience of art therapy it can be fairly said in modern parlance to work wonders.
Its future success should now be more than ever assured after receiving such wholehearted recommendation from one so justly famed in yet
another walk of life.—Yours, ADIUAN HILL. Old Laundry Cottage, Midhurst, Sussex.