SIR, -1 read Miss Gladys Kendon's writing with interest. There is
much truth in what she says and her commetlt is timely. I would, however, remind her that in our country live many youngsters who do not suffer from the protection of the chrysalis provided by modern welfare and the new middle-class parents. No ' bunny-rabbited' paper veneers life for the children of our ' East Ends.' There at an early age they learn that 'life is real and life is earnest.' They meet suffering, pain and death, deprivation, unkind- ness and unhappiness with a spirit which can match that which inspired our forebears.
If Miss Kendon would work in a live com- munity, the large cities of this country need teachers for their slum schools. Conditions are often bad. There is much dirt to contend with—but there is also very satisfying work. —Yours faithfully, 4 Densione Road, Salford, 6, Lanes