Never Get Out. By Giles Cooper. (Arts.)
A aouri-up of theatrical odds and ends usually produces rather a job lot of enter- tainments, and this time is no exception. At the Old Vic there is the latest production of the Taming of the Shrew with Paul Rogers and Ann Todd in the knockabout parts of Petruchio and Katherine. The only way to produce this play is straight commedia dell' arse, but the Old Vic company is not up to anything as stylised as that. The result was an evening which wavered between rumbus- tiousness and attempts to introduce human feeling into this cruel play. At the Aldwych there is a costume drama in which Kay Hammond and John Clements are so ill advised as to participate. Miss Hammond successfully resists a number of personages of the ancien regime who try to exercise what is called le draft de seigneur over her. Mr. Clements hovers on the touchline with all the natural anxiety of a husband. At the end of the skirmish his side is up two tries and one goal. But it was not very exciting. For the last week or so Never Get Out, a play first performed at Edinburgh, has been on at the Arts. This is chiefly remarkable for an excellent performance by Jack Rodney and a feeble ending. A job