Books Wanted
B. S. JOHNSON: 'The Unfortunates' and 'Aren't you rather young to be writing your Memoirs?' (plus others, in hardback). D, Gib- son, Dimitriou Poliorkitou 65, 54633 Thessaloniki, Greece.
ONE HAND CLAPPING by Joseph Knell. Paul Ray, 38 Bucknell Rd, Bicester, Oxon OX6 8DG. Or tel (reverse charge) Bicester (0869) 252839. ON HORSEBACK THROUGH NIGERIA by Falconer (c. 1910). J.N. Hare, School Farm, Benenden, Kent TN17 4EU.
CRUSADERS by Sankewich. Mrs Kogan, 34 Park Rd, London N8 8TD. Tel: 01-341 0325.
THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND by E. Farr and E.H. Nolan (vol 4). Charles Kennedy, 16 The Acorns, 95 Augustus Road, London SW19 6EQ. SILENT CITIES, SACRED STONES by Jerry M. Landay. M.L. Billington, 11 Priory Rd, West Kirby, Wirral, Merseyside, L48 7ET.
GEORGE BOURNE: 'Change in the Village' (Duckworth 1906). J. Gore, 2 Lion Gate Gdns, Richmond, Surrey TW9 2DF.
GEORGE STEINER: 'Language and Silence' (Faber & Faber 1967) and 'Negative Capability' by Nathan A. Scott (Yale University Press 1969). Anything else by either author. S.J. Barker, St David's University College, Lampeter, Dyfed SA48 7ED.
SOMERVILLE AND ROSS: 'In the Vine Coun- try' and 'Beggars on Horseback'. G. D. Pirrie, Flat 3, 14 Grange Gardens, Eastbourne BN20 7DA.
H.A.R. & ST JOHN PHILBY, books by or on father or son wanted. Anthony Mockler, Milton Manor, Abingdon, Berks.
RICHARD THE THIRD by Paul Murray Ken- dall (Allen & Unwin 1955). Mark Redhead, 58 Loveridge Rd, London NW6 2DT.
VIPER IN THE FIST by Herve Bazin (Seeker & Warburg). Mrs White, Head of Languages, Bex- hill College, Turkey Place, Bexhill-on-Sea. Tel: 214545.
THE PERFECT STRANGER by P.J. Kavanagh. Box No: 353PJ, The Spectator, 56 Doughty St, London WC1N 2LL.
ROBERT H. VAN GULIK: 'The Willow Pat- tern' and 'The Emperor's Pearl'. A. Tomsky, 15 Broxholm Rd, London SE27 ONA.
P.C. WODEHOUSE, E. WAUGH. Fiirst eds. desired by private collector. Jonathan Shepherd, 8 Pentire Rd, Newquay, Cornwall. NARRATIVES OF NEW NETHERLANI) 1604-1664 by J. Franklin Jameson (New York 1909). Please telephone: 01-650 0063. SHAKESPEARE'S SECOND GLOBE (The Missing Monument) by A. Walter Hodges (0.U.P. 1973). H. Rutherford, Alvestoke, Sheepdrove, Lambourn, Berks.
PENGUIN BOOK OF RUSSIAN VERSE. S. Kamensky, Beechwood, Weston, Bath.
THE STAGNANT SOCIETY by Michael Shank and 'Rude Assignment' by Wyndham Lewis. David Habakkuk, 22 Homeficld Rd, London W4.
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