M. von Schmerling has put forth a note on the
relation of Aus- tria to " Germany," which is in effect a fiat refusal to recognize any federal state, or to acknowledge any federal authority supe- rior to the Government at Vienna. The idea is treated with as lofty a contempt as if Austria had in no way sanctioned the Frankfort councils and experiments. She will graciously permit things to be much as they were before the late revolu- tion. It is remarked, truly, that the proposed confederation would reduce Austria, whose German provinces are so small a part of the whole empire, to the level of Denmark or Holland. She therefore will not join in an " amalgamated " " Germany " : if it exist at all, it must do without her. The statesmen of Vienna speak bravely in the hour of victory ; but are they not hallooing before they are out of the wood?