The inactivity in the various branches of trade, and the withdrawal of money from the Public Funds, continue to create a flat market ; which in its present sensitive state is also easily affected by adverse reports, and the speculators for a fall have taken every opportunity to press sales. The ap- pointment of Lord John Russell as the British Plenipotentiary at Vienna caused only a slight improvement, which has not been maintained, partly from a belief that the conferences on the four points will not lead to any immediate result, and from the announcement of an intended augmentation of 35,869 men in the Army, with an additional cost of 6,553,6761. Consols for Money have been 1 lower ; they were done at 90k yesterday and today, and closed this evening at 901 4 and 901 4 for the Account. French Stocks latterly, from some unexplained cause' have declined about 11 per cent.
The monthly statement of the Bank of France is very satisfactory, from the extent to which the specie reserves have been put in force by the new loan. The bullion for the previous four months had decreased 5,400,0001.; nearly half of which has been recovered, the increase being 2,500,0001., in- cluding two-thirds from the provinces. The gold and specie arrivals this week from Australia New York, Africa, &c,. have amounted to 154,000/. • the exports to 37,0001: Foreign Stocks have been weaker, and Russian has declined 2 per cent. At Amsterdam also this stock has been very heavy. Turkish has fallen 1, and French Scrip 1. Brazilian is 1 better. Letters from Constantinople intimate that the Turkish Government are going to issue 2,000,000/. of Treasury Bonds, to bear 10 per cent interest ; a proceeding which the English Bondholders would prefer,. as prices rule at present, to a further creation of Stock. Railways have been flat ; the adverse feeling in the Consol market tending to promote sales. A temporary support was given on Tuesday, until the arrangement of the account was completed, owing to a scarcity of Stock. London and North-Western is now below par, being 991 to sellers. Great Western is very heavy at 641 5; the holders not being satisfied with the present dividend.
SATURDAY, Two o'Ci.ocx .
The English Funds have been 4 better since the morning, upon a report that a treaty had been signed. between France and Prussia ; but they close at a slight reaction. Consols for Money, after having reached 91k, leave off 904 1 and 911 for the Account. Exchequer Bills 69. In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock is f, and Venezuela 1 lower ; the latter is 21 3. Turkish is rather better ; the bargains have been at 751 1 4. Buenos Ayres have been done at 51.
Railways are a little higher' but the transactions have been very limited -Caledonian, 614; Eastern Counties, 111; East Lancashire, 73; Great Western, 651; Lancashire and Yorkshire 744; London, Brighton, and SoutkCoast, 974; London and North-Western, 1004; London and South- Western 854; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 23; Midland, 69k; North-Eastern-Berwick, 75; Ditto Extension, 13k; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton 30; Scottish Central, 100; Eastern Counties New 6per Cent Stook, 13; Midland Consolidated Bristol and Birmingham, 6 per Cent, 1334; North British, 1011; Antwerp and Rotterdam, 61; East Indian Ex- tension, 104; Great Central of France, 114; Great Western of Canada, 171; Great] Luxembourg Constituted Shares, 21; Paris and Lyons, 364;• Sambre and Meuse, 74. Mine-Waller, 4. Joint Stock Banks - Australasian, 814; London Chartered Bank of Australia, 204; New South Wales, 344. Miscellaneous-Crystal Palace 24; Electric Telegraph, 16; Royal Mail Steam, 62; South Australian Land, 35; Van Diemen's Land, 13.
3 per Cent Consols 901 1 Danish 3 per Cents 80 3 Ditto for Account 91 4 Dutch 21 per Cents 611 21 3 per Cent Reduced 911 1 Ditto 4 per Cents 92 3 New 3 per Cents 911 1 Mexican 3 per Cents 201 11 Long Annuities 41 Peruvian 41 per Cents 70 2 Bank Stock 213 15 Ditto 3 per Cents 49 51 Exchequer Bills 6 9 Portuguese 4 per Cents 41 3 India Stock 221 4 Russian 5 per Cents 98 100 Austrian 5 per Cents 82 4 Ditto 41 per Cents 88 90 Brazilian 5 per Cents 100 2 Spanish 3 per Cents 36 / Belgian 41 per Cents 92 4 Ditto Deferred 171 1 Chilian 6 per Cents 102 4 Sardinian 5 per Cents 84 6 Danish 5 per Cents 102 4 Swedish 4 per Cents 84 7
The Great Western Company held their half-yearly-meeting on Thursday, at the Paddington terminus. A dividend at the rate of 3 per cent per an- num-the same amount as was paid at the preceding half-year-was de- clared; 1800/. was voted as the yearly allowance to the augmented Board of eighteen Directors; and authority given to raise 1,325,0001. as share-capital for the Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth line.
The London and South-Western Company, at their half-yearly meeting, held on Thursday at the York Road station, declared a dividend at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, free of income-tax ; authorized the Directors to pay the call of 21. 108. per share on the Taw Vale shares ; and directed two sums, amounting to 75,7961., standing at suspense account, to be added to the Company's capital. The refusal of the House of Commons to consider till the lapse of a Month a bill promoted by the Company to regulate some internal matters, in consequence of a "breach of faith" committed by the shareholders in 1853 in reference to the Dorset line, gave rise to a stormy dis- cussion. It was ultimately agreed to leave the subject to the consideration of the Directors, and to hold an adjourned meeting on the 1st March, to con- sider what course should be taken to meet the resistance of the House of Commons,
The Northern and Eastern Company have declared a dividend of 258. and 30s. on the 6 per cent and 6 per cent guaranteed stock. At the approaching meeting, the Directors of the London and Blackwell line are to recommend a dividend of 48. 6d. per share; and the Directors of the Lancashire and Yorkshire a dividend at the rate of 4 per cent per annum.
The English Funds are dull this morning, at k decline ; Consols for Money are 904 tand for Account 901 4. Exchequer Bills 6 9. There is a small decrease in the bullion return by the Bank of England, amounting to 41,8641. In Foreign Stocks, there is nothing doing. Turkish Scrip is heavy at 76 4; and French is 21 3 premium. In Railways, there is little inclination to effect bargains ; the only ones at present recorded are-Great Western at 65, and London and North-Western, 100. The Eastern Counties are in a position to pay 7s. per share, and leave a ha- lance of 11,6421. for future use.
The Loudon and North-Western Rail.wny, in anticipation of the half- yearly meeting fixed for Friday next, have issued a statement of accounts for the half-year ending the 31st December. The income from all sources is 1,523,945/. 28. 2d. ; the total expenditure 892,5641. 178. 2d. ; leaving a balance of 631,380/. 5s. Deducting a sum for renewing rails, and adding a balance from last account, the amount available for appropriation is 628,8021. This will allow a dividend on the consolidated stock at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, the "like proportion as regards other stocks," and 71,270/. over.
An arrangement of importance has just been announced regarding French Railways, by which all the lines forming the group of Normandy and Brit- tany have agreed to a fusion ; and they are to be entitled the Western and North-Western Railways of France-including the Paris and Rouen, Paris and St. Germain, Rouen and Havre, Paris and Cherbourg, and the Western. The announcement has been attended with no favourable result, and prices are lower in connexion with other markets.