The Washington correspondent of the Times has been fighting stoutly
to persuade himself and his readers, that he was right in expecting the rejection by Congress of the amendment to the Constitution, which provides that each State shall be represented in Congress not in proportion to its whole population, but in pro- portion to its population, after deducting any class excluded on account of race or colour. A letter elaborately proved that this great act of justice would be rejected, two days before we heard that it had been adopted in the House of Representatives by a two- -thirds vote,-120 to 46. There is no doubt of its passing the Senate by a great majority, and if the President vetoes it, it -can be passed over his head by the same majorities which it has already obtained. Most likely, however, he will not veto it, and then it will require approval by three-fourths -of the States in order to become law. If really enacted, it will go ensure the freedom of the negroes. For though the Southern States can shut out a good many by an educa- tional franchise, that will shut out also so many mean whites -that it will be a very unpopular measure. And if the negroes -once have the franchise, we may be sure they will not long fail to get justice in courts of law.