17 FEBRUARY 1872, Page 1


fr HE week has been saddened by a great crime. On Monday .1 the Duke of Argyll announced in the Lords, and Mr. Gladstone in the Commons, that Lord Mayo, the Viceroy of India, had been assassinated on February 8th by a Mohammedan convict at Port Blair, the port of the Andaman Islands, which his Lordship had visited for inspection on his way from Rangoon to Calcutta. After inspecting the convicts, Lord Mayo and some of his friends ascended Mount Harriet, and finding the night falling, pushed rapidly for the boat. The Earl, who rather despised the precau- tions taken to secure his safety, was walking in front of the guard, when a Mussulman convict named Share Ali, who was passing with a gang of 200 men, broke from his fellows, eluded the guard, and with a common table knife stabbed him twice in the back. Lord Mayo fell instantly, and expired in a few hours. The news excited the greatest grief and consternation throughout India, where no Viceroy has ever been assassinated or seriously threatened ; but the event has been followed by no movement among the natives, and was evidently not the result of any plot. Shere Ali avenged himself, and not the Wahabee cause.