The Times' correspondent in Rome states thatthe Pope is desirous
of calling the Vatican Council together once more, and has asked the Cardinals' opinion as to the advisability of the project. The Cardinals, it is stated, are opposed to the idea, holding that the circumstances which interrupted the sittings have not yet ceased to operate. It is difficult to believe that the statement is correct. The Council, unless summoned to elect a Pope, for which as yet there is no occasion, could not settle any question unconnected with faith or morals, and on all questions of faith or morals the Pope, when speaking ex cathedri:i and to all man- kind, possesses the infallibility of the whole Church. It is just possible that the subject has been mooted in order to remind the world that the Council has never finished its labours, and might, under certain circumstances, reassemble in order to accept the resignation of a Pope, and to proclaim his successor.