Mr. Thomas W. Morsman continues his translation of The Great
Commentcay of Cornelius a Lapide. (Hodges.)—The second volume now before as contains the comments on St. Matthew's Gospel x.-xxi. Mr. Morsman explains in his preface that he is obliged to compress the original, so as to make what would fill seven octavo volumes fall into five. He repels the charge of having made any omission for con- troversial purposes. He has certainly not, to take an instance, abbreviated Cornelius's argumant on behalf of the primacy of Peter. —We have also the first volume of Dr. Luthardt's Gospel of St. John,. Described and Explained according to its Peculiar Character. Translated by Caspar Rend Gregory. (T. and T. Clarke.)—The work is one of some standing, having b en first published twenty-three years ago. It has now been revised and enlarged, with an especial view to meet contro- versy on this subject. Dr. Luthardt, it will be remembered, is the author of another work dealing at length with part of the subject here handled, St. John the Author of the Fourth Gospel. (T. and T. Clarke, Edinburgh, 1875.)—We may also mention a "second edition revised," of The New Testament, translated from the critical text of Von Tischendorf, with an Introduction on the Criticism, Translation, and Interpretation of the Book. By Samuel Davidson, D.D. (Henry S. King and Co.)