gi Thereby Hangs "
It is surprising how little fuss has been made over the abolition of tail-docking. Since November 24th last, horses and ponies must be accorded the satisfaction of flicking off flies with their long tails. The campaign against docking and " nicking " has been prolonged, and it is remarkable that its successful terminatipn has been largely due not so much to the professional humanitarian as to sporting agencies. The Field, for example, has led the campaign against docking for years both in its columns and by using its influence with the various horse societies. Docking was little more than a foolish and cruel fashion for which various arguments, all found to be hollow, were brought forward. The same sporting agencies are continuing, in line with the labelled hurriani-
tarians, their protests against the use of the steel trap, which is still allowed to maim birds and domestic animals as well as inflict cruelty on the animals for which it is set. Discussion over its alternative still proceeds, but the Sawyer trap represents a satisfactory advance in humaner methods of rabbit-catching.