CHESS by Philidor
No. 322 F. Kan.n.Eiti
(1907; reprinted in Problemin, January 1967) wiirrE to play and mate in five moves; solution next week. Solution to No. 321 (Dunaujvarosi):
Q - Kt 4, threat Q - K 1. I. . . P-Q6; 2 P x P.
. . P - B 6: Q - R 4; 2. Kt - B 5. . B - B 5; 2 Rx B. . . . B - B 4 ch; 2 B x B. In the original ('set') position there
are half-pin mates set, viz. K B moves; 2 B - B 5.
. . . Q B moves; 2 R - B 4. Key move abandons the half-pin of the bishops and replaces them by half-pins of black pawns—nevertheless retainia?, as a by- product the original mates.
In effect, a set of games this week, illustrating how opening theory is developed through master play. You can make either of two deductions (probably both wrong): that you must know everything or you'll be caught by the latest twist—or that you need know nothing because it will all be contradicted tomorrow anyway.
5 Kt-Q B3 2 Kt-K83 4 Ktx 6 B-1415 I P- K 4 7 P- B 4 Kt - K B3
P- Q3 PxP
P-Q R3
P- K3
Q- Kt 3 P-Q 84 • Q-Q2 QxP This variation is permanent challenge
to both players—to Black (7 Q- Kt 3) in threatening to take the fatal Q Kt P, to White (8 Q - Q a) in allowing it.
R- Kt r Q- R6 to P-K 5 ... The alternatives are B x Kt (thought to
give about equal chances) and P - B 5 (speculative, like the text).
PxP • PxP K Kt-Q2
12 B- Q B 4 ... 12 Kt - K 4 and 12 B - K 2 have both been tried—present verdict is that they favour Black. B - Kt 5 After 12. . B - K there is a lengthy analysis by Vukovic ending on move 21 in a draw by perpetual check! But (needless to say) White has other options.
• R-Kr3 Q-R4
which drives. . . Stronger than the older move P - Q R 3 drives the bishop to a better square.
14 • • 0-0 r5 B - B6! . . Here Truigov kagainst Fischer) played a year earlier (also at Havana): It Kt x Pt, P x Kt ; 16 B x P ch, K - R 1; 17 R xR di, Kt x R; 18 Q - B 4, Kt - Q B 3: 19 Q - B 7, Q - B 4 ch!; 20 K-k 1, 1Ct - 3! and Black won. In the meantime this new move was introduced in the game Byrne-Evans.
• . . . KtxB! Evans played 15 . . . P x 16 Q-K 6!,QxP; 17 Kt -B 5!,PxKt; 18 Kt-K 4!,13- 9 7; 19 Kt x B, Q - Q 5 ...."41; 20 h.- R 1, Kt - K 4; 21 R - kt ch, Kt - Kt 5; 22 P - R 3 and White won—but Palmason, like Tringov, knows this game.
r6 PxKt4 . .!? — Q r Threatening 17 x Kt ; t Q x R, B ... B , so 17 ItxB: . . . White gives up the exchange first. Q x R r8 - Kt P-K Kt 3 Not 18 . . . Q - B it, 19 PxP!; Q - K I; 20 Kt - K 4 and wins.
19 R- B4 P- Kt 3 Here in a later game against Hartston (Hastings, 1966) Mecking played 19 Iii; continuation 20R-R 4,P-S Kt 4; 21 B-1.0,P-Kt 5; 22 fitxP,Px13; 23 R -14 6, R x It t; 24 c drawn by perpetual check. O'Kelly suggests 19 . . . R x Kt; ao Q - R 6 (20 R xR, Q - Kt 3), Q - B I; 21 Q x Q ch, K x Q; 22 14 R, 11 - Q 2 though I still prefer White.
10 R - R 4 Q-Br ar Q 1,C3 R - R 2? Natural but wrong. 2! . . . B - Kt is better. Against this Deutsch. Schachzeiturig gives 22 Q - R 3, P - R 4; 23 Kt x K P! winning (23 . . • Pa Kt: 24 B xP eh, K -R 2; 25 R xP di, P xR; 46 Q xP ch, Q 3; 27 11- B 5 ch and 28 Q x Q), but Black could play instead 22 . . . Q - H 41 with an unclear position (23 Kt - K 2, Q - K Kt 4!).
22 Kt - K 41 1t(2) - Q 1 23 RxPl Resigns 23 . . . K x R; 24 Q - R 3 ch and now 24 . . . K - Kt 1; 25 Kt - Kt 5 and 24 . Q -K 3,• 25
Kt - Kt 5 ch are equally fatal. This whole variation still offers far-from-exhausted scope to the resourceful analyst.