Mr. Aguilar, the pianist, has begun a series of Chamber
Soirees, appro- priated to the pianoforte compositions of Beethoven. In adopting a plan of such severity, he must have calculated on the improved and im- proving state of musical taste among us : and he does not seem to have miscalculated, for his first soirée, on Tuesday, was attended by a nume- rous assemblage, of whom ladies formed a large proportion; who listened with great attention and evident pleasure to a performance of several of Beethoven's finest sonatas and minor pieces, with only a couple of songs, (one of them Beethoven's, the other Mr. Aguilar's own,) sung by Miss Ursula Barclay, a young vocalist of merit and rising reputation. Mr. Aguilar's style of performing Beethoven's music is admirable; it gives a valuable lesson as well as a great pleasure.