At the annual meeting of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, held in Edinburgh on Tuesday, a memorial to the President of the Board of Trade was unanimously adopted, urging the great import- ance of obtaining authentic statistical returns of the agricultural produce of Great Britain.
Shipbuilding in Perth has of late revived considerably, but chiefly on a larger class of vessels than were wont to be built.
The Customs receipts at the port of Greenock for 1950 were 383,4877.; for 1851, 410,2061.; increase, 26,7191. A material reduction of duties came into operation on the 5th of July last on sugar and molasses, these being the principal articles on which duty is paid at that port. The ves- sels reported inwards from foreign ports at the Greenock Customhouse were in 1850, 272 vessels, 91,132 tons ; in 1851, 338 vessels, 113,872 tons : increase, 66 vessels, 22,740 tons.
Within the last few days two robberies have taken place in Edinburgh, by tightening a noose round the body and arms, and then rifling the pockets. Both assaults referred to were committed about midnight., the one on the footpath through Bruntsfield Links, and the other on the public road near Merehiston Castle. In the one case a watch was stolen, and in the other some money. The highwaymen have not yet been apprehended.=Seotaman.
The body of a man was found at night in a close at Glasgow there was
nothing on it but a shirt and a pair of stockings. It is supposed he fell asleep while intoxicated, was then stripped of his clothes, and died of the exposure to the cold.
William leAntonney, an Irishman employed at the alkali works at Jar- row, has killed his brother John. They drank together, and then quarrelled and fought, about a young woman whom John wanted to see ; a companion parted them; William picked up a large stone and threw it at his brother ; it struck him on the head, and caused death a few days after. William re- pented of his violence, and carried home his wounded brother on his back ; but he has since disappeared.
Two boys, sons of a fanner at Dredgmoor, near Perth, went to frighten crows from a newly-sown field. They took with them a gun loaded with small shot ; which having been disused for some time, did not fire readily ; the elder boy stooped down to see if there was anything in the barrel; whilst his brother had his hand upon the trigger, the gun suddenly went off, and its contents were lodged in the face of the unfortunate youth. The effect of the shot was instantaneous death. .