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WAR DEPARTMENT, Pall Mall, Jan. 9.—Cavalry-2d Regiment of Dragoon Guards —Surg. H. H. Massy, from the 17th Light Dratp, to be Surgeon, vice Mockler, who exchanges. 17th Light Dragoons—Surg. E. Mockler, from the 2d Dragoon Guards, to be Sung. vice Massy, who exchanges.
Royal Regiment of Artillery—Capt. J. B. Dennis to be Lieut.-Col. vice Fitzgerald, retired upon half-pay ; Second Capt. and Brevet-Major Wm. E. M. Reilly to be Captain, vice Dennis ; Limit. A. C. Johnson to be Second Capt. vice Reilly.
The undermentioned Lieuts. with temporary rank, to be Lieuts. with permanent rank, viz.—A. Doull, R. E. Kane, A. H. Bell, G. Budd, J. Haughton, 11. R. levers, B. Lloyd, T. Clarke, W. G. 13rancker, D. B. Cameron, W. 31, Noble, R. N. Young, J. H. Edgar. Sorg. S. II. Fasson, M.D. from the 95th Foot, to be Surgeon.
To be Assistant-Surgeons—Assist.-Surgs. W. B. Wallis, from the Hospital Staff; W. Y. Jeeves, from the Hospital Staff; J. F. Lougheed, from the Rifle Brigade ; W. Morris, from the Hospital Staff; A. R. Smith, from the Hospital Staff ; C. 0. Daniell, from the Hospital Staff; J. W. Rimmer, from the Hospital Staff; Acting Assist-Surgs.—R. U. Cashman, from the Hospital Staff; H. R. L. Veal; M.D. from the Hospital Staff. The rank in the Army of Assist.-Surg. R. U. Cashman to bear date 18th May 1855; the rank in the Army of Aaeist-Surg. H. R. L. Veale, M.D. to bear date the 14th Aug. 1855.
Infantry-9th Begt. of Foot—Ensign C. Miller has been superseded, being absent without leave.
16th Foot—Acting Assist-Surg. H. Ferguson to be Assist-Surg. 18th Foot—Ensign II. Shaw to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Woleeley, who retires; J. F. Daubeny, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Shaw. 21st Foot—Major the Hon. D. Erskine, from the 51st Foot, to be Major, vice Knox, who exchanges.
234 Foot—Ensign J. De G. Dolmage has been superseded, being absent without leave.
32d Foot—Quartermaster-Sergt. F. Stribling to be Quartermaster, vice Giddings, appointed Paymaster. 35th Foot—Lieut-Col. .T. 31'Neill Walter, from the 53d Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. vice Brevet-Col. Faber, who exchanges.
41st Foot—Ensign M. Ellison has been superseded, being absent without leave.
424 Foot—Lieut. W. Black to be Capt. by purchase, vice Orde, who retires ; Capt. H. H. Mosely, from half-pay of the regt. to be Capt. vice Black, placed upon halfPaYs ffilth Foot—Limit. C. Mills has been permitted to retire from the service by the Bale of his commission.
51st Foot—Major the lion. W. S. Knox, from the 21st Foot, to be Major, vice Erskine, who exchanges.
58d Foot—Brevet-Col. W. R. Faber, from the 35th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. vice Walter, who exchanges ; Ensign C. Bagnall to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Humphrey, who retires ; G. C. Sidebottom, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Bagnail.
74th Foot—Brevet-Lieut.-Col. J. W. Dalgety, from half-pay Unatt. to be Capt. vice A. Campbell, who exchanges; Lieut. Sir 1). Baird, Bart, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Dalgety, who retires ; Ensign R. E. Dear to he Lieut. by purchase, vice Sir D. Baird ; F. Pavy, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Dear.
78th Foot—Assist-Surg. S. S. Skipton, M.D. from the Staff, to be Assist.-Surg. vice O'Neill, dec.
88th Foot—Ensign E. Cape has been superseded, being absent without leave. 95th Foot--Staff-Surg. of the Second Class J, Ewing to be Surg. vice Fasson, appointed to the Royal Artillery.
24 West India Regiment—The surname of the Ensign appointed on the 6th inst. is Platt, and not Pratt, as previously stated.
Unattached—Lieut. J. Gilleland, from the 3d Drag. Guards, to be Capt. without purchase.
Hospital Staf—Striff-Surg. of the Second Class W. Hanbury, from half-pay, to be Staff-Sure. of the Second Class, vice Ewing, appointed to the 95th Foot. The undermentioned Acting Aseietant-Surgeone to be Assistant-Surgeons to the Forces—G. C. Hyde, F. J. Mont, H. Kelsall, E. G. M'Dowell, J. Goodwin.
Brevet.—The undermentioned officers on the retired full-pay lists of the Royal Artillery to be promoted in consequence of the promotion of the officers who stood next below them at the time of their retirement, in accordance with the provisions of the 21st clause of the Royal warrant of Nov. 3, 1854, vic—In consequence of Gen. Sir H. D. Boss's promotion, Lieut.-Gen. 1'. Campbell to be Gen.; in consequence of Lieut.-Gen. F. Campbell's promotion, Major-Gen. It. Douglas, C.B. to be Lieut.-Gen.
The following promotions to take place in consequence of Major-Gen. Sir W. F. Williams, Bart. K.C.B. the Senior Supernumerary General Officer of the Royal Artillery, having been placed upon the fixed establishments of Major-Generals for the Ordnance Department—Lieut-Col. C. A. Arney, Unatt. to be Col.; Brevet-Major E. J. Pratt, 9th Light Drags. to be Lieut.-Col. ; Capt. R. Hawkes, 80th Foot, to be Major.
The undermentioned Officer having completed three years' actual service on the 30th Dec. 1856 in the rank of Lieut.-Col. to be promoted to be Col. in the Army, under the Royal warrant of 6th Oct. 1854—Lieut.-Col. H. Smyth, 68th Foot.