17 JANUARY 1857, Page 20


Partnerships Bissell:ed.—Swallow and Co. Manchester, cotton-dealers—SPRae and Evans, Ludgate Hill, stationers; as far as regards J. APRae—Jackson and Paget, Keighley, Yorkshire; brokers—A. and J. Booth, Manchester, braid-machine-makers —Dixon'and Co. Manchester, calico-printers ; as far as regards '1'. Dixon—Brown and Co. Barisorough Sawmills, Derbyshire, and elsewhere, timber-merchants—Sibley and Jordan, Bath, bakers—Woodley and Stephenson, Ilkley, Yorkshire, farmers— Bailey and Wickham, Winchester, solicitors—Ellis and Myers, Deptford, lightermen—Johnson and Co. Sheffield, contractors—Hicks and Co. Crantock, Cornwall, maltsters—Cliff Vale Iron Company, Stoke-upon-Trent—Burgess and Cousins, Norwich, painters—Liberty and Tomlinson, Nottingham, lace-manufacturers—Smith mid Southern, Nottingham, lucifer-match-manufacturers—Wells and Bell, Nottingham, linen-drapers—Edwards and Hancock, Kidsgrove, Staffordshire, iron-founders

— Oppenheim and Co. London and elsewhere, merchants ; as far as regards J. E. Oppenhelm—Thomson and Co. Liverpool, merchants ; as far as regards H. G. GordonSaegert and Rogers, Strand, carvers—Penis and Gold, Great St. Helen's, ship-agents

— Black and Bidmead, Trump Street and Lawrence Lane, City, umbrella-manufacturers—Organ and Hare, Cawood, Selby, Yorkshire, surgeons—Hargrave and Wilkinson, St. Paul's Quarchyard, warehousemen—G. P. and R. G. Macaire, Middletms Street, Clerkenwell, watelscase-makers—J. and J. Fame, Halifax, woolstaplers, and Cullenagh Mills, Maryborough, Ireland, millers—Brown and Hargreaves, Bradford and KeIghley, Yorkshire, cutters in stone—Voster and Arbouin, Hertford and Mark Lane, attorneys—Gardner and Baker, Chatham, carriers—Austin sen. and Austin jun. Egerton and Pluekley, Kent, fanners—A. and D. Ellis, Liverpool, metalmerchants—Duckworth and Son, Great Tower Street coffee-dealers—Watson and Co. Glasgow, merchants ; as far as regards J. Thompson.

Bankrepts.—Joseen Helmer, Southampton, victualler, to surrender Jan. 23; Feb. 27: solicitors, Westall, Gray's Inn ; Coxwell and Bassett, Southampton ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basingball Street.

JAMES HENRY SMITH, Oxford Street, and Connaught Terrace, Hyde Park, corsetmaker, Jan. 23, Feb. : solicitors, Linklater and Hackwood, Sise Lane ; official assignee, Cannon, Alderrnanbury. JOSEPH WHITESIDE, Davies Street, Berkeley Square, watch-manufacturer, Jan. 28, March 2: solicitor, Abrahams, Southampton Buildings ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.

ROBERT HENRY BOLLIX, King's Lynn, carriage-builder, Jan. 28, March 2: solicitors, Goodwin and Co. King's Lynn, and Lancaster Place, Strand ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street. EDMUND GODDARD, London Wall, Old Jewry, Fenchurch Street, and Aldgate, provision-dealer, Jan. 27, Feb.24 : solicitor, Bun., Paternoster Bow; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street, Ricruab CARPENTER, Museum Tavern, Bloomsbury, Jan. 23, Feb. 24: solicitor, Mackeson, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official assignee, Lee, Ablermanbury. GEORGE DAVEY, Murray Street, New North Road, plumber, Jan. 23, Feb. 26: solicitors, Hudson and Francie, Tokenhouse Yard ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.

GEORGE FEARIS, Lambeth Walk, draper, Jan. 23, Feb. 261 solicitors, Mason and Stun, Gresham Street ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street,. HENRY OSBORN, Water Lane, and Great Windmill Street, Haymarket, winemerchant, Jan. 23, Feb. 26: solicitor, Anderson, Barge Yard Chambers; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.

Witueu GRAVENOR, Birmingham, hatter, Jan. 28, Feb. 18: solicitors, Morris, Old Jewry ; Hodson and Allen, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham.

Ssairei. BAYLEY, Wednesbury, grazier, Jan. 28, Feb. 18: solicitor, Knight, Birmingliam ; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham. RICHARD DAVIS senior, West Bromwich, coal-master, Jan. 24, Feb. 14: solicitor, Reece, Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham. ALFRED lirsenv HARROLD, Flume Selsvood, chemist, Jan. 26, Feb. 23: solicitor, Miller, Frome ; official assignee, Miller, Bristol. THOMAS HENRY Tainser, Perranporth, Cornwall, woollen-draper, Jan. 22, Feb. 19 solicitor*, Goddard, King Street, Cheapside ; Ford, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter.

RAMSDEN RAussistur, Halifax, builder, Feb. 2, March 2 solicitors, Mitchell, Halifax ; Bond and Barwick. Leeds: official assignee, Hope, Leeds. KNOWLTON WiLsos, Sheffield, surgeon, Jan. 31, Feb. 21: solicitors, Hook anti Yeomans, Sheffield ; official assignee, Brewin, Sheffield. JOILN tiNIVEN, Seacombe. Cheshire, baker, Jim. 22 Feb. 13; solicitors, Fletcher and Hull, Liverpool; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool. JA.usw GRIFFIN, Liverpool, poulterer, Jan. 21, Feb. 16 solicitor, Yatesjunier. Liverpool; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool. • Diridends.—Feb. 4, Roe and Blachford, Newport, Isle of Wight, bankers—Feb. 4, Ackroyd. and Bowles, King Street, Long Acre, carpenters—Feb. 6, Owen, Lewisham, butcher—Feb. 6, Silvestre, Argyll Street, importer of fancy goods—Feb. 6, Houghton, Friday Street and Watling Street, merchant—Feb. 4, Budge, Manchester, fustian-manufacturer—Feb. 5, Travis, Green Bridge, Cage Mill, and Bridge End, Lancashire, woollen-manufacturer—Feb, 5, Evans, Briton Ferry Iron-works, Glamorganshire, iron-master—Feb. 12, Voigt, Cheltenham, pianoforte-dealer—Feb. .5, Lowe, Wolverhampton, chemist—Feb. 4, Sanderson, \Vest Kinnald Ferry, Lincolnshire, seed-crusher.

Certificates to be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary OD the day of meeting.—Feb. 6, King, Belle Vue Villas, Seven Sisters Road, builder—Feb. 4, Willis Shot Tower Wharf, Lambeth, fire-wood-manufacturer—Feb. 4. Cooke, Princes Street, Soho, carver—Feb. 5, Fevre, Peterborough, publican—Feb. 3. Symes and Co. Strand, clectro-platers—Feb. 6, Briscoe, Ashton-under-Line, timberdealer—Feb. 4, S. and E. Lord, Bactip, Lancashire, millwrights—Feb. 5, R. and J. Helsby, Childwall and Warrington. Lancashire, builders—Feb. 9, Hodder, Birmingham, grocer—Feb. 9, Pepper, Coventry, printer—Feb. 5, Firmston, Shrewsbury. builder—March 3, It. and G. Marston, Leicester, hosiers.

Declarations of Diridends.—Royal British Bank ; first div. of 5s. bd. Wednesday next and subsequent Wednesday ; Lee, Aldermanbury—Kyrke ; further div. of lid. any Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool—Guinn:ow, Wrexham, builder ; first div. of 28. 6d. any Wednesday; Turner, Liverpool.

Srotch Segues, rations.—Langham, Inchture, Perthshire, saddler, Jan. 17—Dods and Galloway. Glasgow, merchants, Jan. 20—J. and J. W. Vint, Edinburgh, merchants, Jan. 19—Ness, Leith, blacksmith, Jan. 16—Law, Glasgow, coal-merchant, Jan. 16.

FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, JANUARY 16. Partnerships Dissoleed.—Henderson and Hay, Keswick, Cumberland, druggists —Hall and Co. Leadenhall Street, ship-agents—G. and J. Newcomb, Lower Thames Street, victuallers—Ibberson and Wonnald, Crossland, Yorkshire, stone-merchants — Peters hnd Co. Birmingham, wine-merehants—Dirom and Co. Liverpool and Bombay, merchants ; as far as regards \V. F. Hunter—T. and J. Robottom, Atherstune, engineers—Hales and Roche, Commercial Road East and Back Church Lone, pawnbrokers—Dixon and Co. Liverpool, snerchants—Potter and Co. Manchester, and Dinting Vale, Derbyshire, calico-printers—Dawson and Ca Leeds, brewers—Broadwood and Sons, Great Pulteney Street, Golden Square, and Horseferry Road, pianoforte-manufacturers ; as far as regards T. Broadwood—Jackson and Co. New Orleans and Liverpool, merchants—IVasdale and Co. Ilemingford Grey, Huntingdon, anillero; as far as regards M. Wasdale—A. E. and C. R. Windus, Strand, chemists — Gotley and Co. Bristol, brass-foundent—Morgan and Son, Macclesfield, machinemakers—Cockett and Co. Aldermanbury, manufacturers of fancy Foods—Smith and Grundy, Manchester, architects—i. and F. W. Blacket, West Smithfield, and Bank Buildings, Nev Metropolitan Cattle Market, drapers—Settle and Kenyon, Great Bolton, brick-makers—Clarke and Cripps, Union Terrace, Notting 11111, and King Street, Hainmersmith, chemists—Cover, Brothers, Winchester and Romsey—Ilasris and Co. Rugby, attorneys—Huntley and Co. Sunderland and Seaham Ilatbotir, timber-merchants ; as far as regards J. It. Huntley—G. and J. A. Madden, Copthall Court, merchants—Schofleld, Brothers, Oldham mil Manchester, wise-nicechants; as far as regards S. S. Sehoffeld—Laroche and Co. Old Trinity House, Water Lane, glass-merchants—J. IV. and A. Mobbs, Whitecross Street. potatoelealers—E. and J. S. Waterfall, Watling Siren, and Oneen Street, Cheapside, clothiers—Levy, Brothers, litistol, glass-dealers—Tripp and Canning, New Church Street West, St. Marylelione, grocers—Watson and Vause, Leeds, mungo-merchants —Tompkins and Co. Manchester, silk-finishers—Brown and Vickery, Brighton, carpenters—Gates and Whittington, Northolt, Middlesex, fanners—Sindetnan and Co.—Harveson, Brothers, Dover Road, Borough, and elsewhere, glass-merchantsFisher and Slater, and the Standish and Bloomfield Colliery Co. Standish-withLangtree and Preston, colliers—Roberton and Gill, Fore Street, Limehouse, tinnlen—Davies and Tennant, King Street, Clerkenwell, brass-founders—Suthers and Sinus, Halifax, worsted-spinners—Jennings and Badeley, or the Ivy House Colliery, Hanley, Stafford, coalmerchants—Scott and Co. Dumfries, manufacturers of hosiery ; as far as regards It. Scott junior.

Bankrunts.-110BERT HENRY HILL, GEORGE ROBEIrr HubsON, and FREDERICK HUDSON, London Wall, importers, to surrender, Jan. 27, deb. 28: solicitors, Madox and Wyatt, Clement's Lane; official assignee, Johnson, Basingliall Street. HORATIO BUNTING, Colchester, seedsman, Jan. 28, Feb. 21: solicitor, Jones, Colchester; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street.

WILLIA31 Beam, Backbit', lIatton Garden, last-maker, Jan. 27, Feb. 24 : solicitor, Sidney, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street. RICHARD Hannesox and JOHN JAMES COLE, Twig Folly, Bethnal Green, bargebuilders, Jan. 30, Feb. 24: solicitors, Hilleary, Fenchurch Buildings ; official as*ignee, Lea, Aldermanbury. Jong OLDHAM, Long Acre, currier, Feb. 2. March 2: solicitor, Lloyd, Bloomsbury Square ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street.

DAVID Snore, Croydon, talloweliandler, Feb. 4, March 2: solicitor, Long, Clifford's Ion; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers. WILLIAM T— GRAVEN011, Birmingham, hatter, Jan. 28, Feb. 18: solicitors, Ashurst and Co. Old Jewry ; Hodgson and Allen, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham. THEODORE Rountsoe KENWAY, Birmingham, broker, Feb. 5,20: solicitor, Reece, Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham. JOSEPH BAXTER, Birmingham, victualler, Jan. 29, Feb. 20: solicitor, Suckling, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham.

JOSEPH HENRY CLARKE, Leicester, hatter, Jan. 27, Feb. 17 : solicitors, Spooner, Leicester; Bowley and Ashwell, Nottingham; Hodgson and Allen, Birmingham ; official assignee, Ilarris, Nottingham.

JOSEPH GETETHORP, Nottingham, builder, Jan. 27, Feb. 17: solicitor, Watson junior, Nottingham ; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham. WILLIAM DregwouTe, Church, Accrington, and Ltimb in Rosendale, Lancaster, cotton-manufacturer, Feb. 3, 26: solicitor, Potter, Manchester ; official assignee, Hernaman, Manchester.

Dirldends.—Feb. 10, :Sleeted, Chatham, draper—Feb. 10, Reeve, Beaufort Buildings, coal-merchant—Feb. 9, Peasegood, Sheffield, draper—Feb. 9, Tillett, Colchester, plumber—Feb. 6, Austin, Easteheap, corn-factor—Feb. 6, Pease, Ingram Court and Lime Street, wine-merchant—Feb. 9, Folkard, Jermyn Street, tailor—Feb. 9. WOOdhan16, Idol Lane, victualler—Feb. 9, Muir, Aberdeen Villa, Mazda Hill, schoolmaster—Feb. 6, Carpenter, Mythic, Ilants, grocer—Feb. 7, Bickerton, Castle Street, Southwark, hat-manufacturer—Feb. 6, Peto and Bryan, Dacre Street, Westminster, and elsewhere, army-contractors—Feb.7, Chatterton, Rye, Sussex, baker—Feb. 7, Bernasconi, Red LiOD Street, Clerkenwell, looking-glass-frame-manufacturer.

Certificates to be granted unless cause he shown to the contrary on the day of meeting.—Feb. 6, Keyte, Cloirch Court, Old Jewry, silk-manufacturer—Feb. 7. Davies, High Street, Poplar, draper—Feb. 10, Irish, Maidenhead, Berle:, yietuallerFeb. 16, Wood, Bingley, York, worsted-spinner—Feb. 9, Parr, Wolverhampton, woollen-draper—Feb. 9, Coates, Birmingham, milliner.

Declarations of Diridends.—T4lor and Marsden. Derby, iron-founders; first div. of 158. Monday next, and two following Mondays ; Harris, Nottingham—Oldham, Stamford, wine-merchant ; first div. of Is. 6d. Monday next, and two following Mondays ; Han-is, Nottingham.

Scotch Sequestrations.—Watson, Hutchegontown, Glasgow, coal-merchant, Jan. 23—Wiseman, Glasgow, merchant, Jan. 21—Golston, Glasgow, importer of foreign goods, Jan. 24—Aitkenhead, Bridgeton, Glasgow, baker, Jan. 23.