WAR DEPARTMENT, Pall Mall, Jan. 16.—Infantry—Scots Fusilier GuardsLieut. and Capt. the lion. R. Mostyn to be Instructor of Musketry.
3d Beet of Foot—Ensign the lion. .1, W. Hewitt, from the 9th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Eames, who exchanges ; Lieut. E. Greg has been permitted to resign his commission.
4th Foot—Ensign R. F. Eames, from the ad Foot, to be Ensign, vice Hon. J. W. Hewitt, who exchanges, 8th Foot—Capt. It. 11. Meade, from the 94th Foot, to be Capt. vice Hartley, who exchanges. 21st hoot--Lieut. H. W. Hartford, frorn the 3d West India Regt. to be Lieut. vice De Ituvignes, who exchanges.
234 Foot—Lieut.-Col. S. Wells, from the 25th Foot, to be Lieut-Col. vice BrevetCol. Ls-sons, who exchanges.
24th Foot—Assist-Surg. C. C. Dempster, from 46th Foot, to be Assist-Surg. vice Holloway, appointed to the Staff. 25th Foot—Brevet-Col. D. Lysons, from the 234 Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. vice Wells, who exchanges. 30th Foot—Lieut, C. J. Moorsom to be Instructor of Musketry. 40th Foot—Assist-Surg. T. Mines, from the Staff, to be Assist-Surg. vice Ligertwood, promoted on the Staff. 46th Foot—Assist-Surg, J. Cl. Faught, from the Hospital Staff, to be Assist.Sung, vice Dempster, appointed to the 24th Foot. 51st Foot—Ensign It. W. Oldham to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Gloag, who retires ; R. N. Cobb, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Oldham.
62d Foot—Capt. G. W. B. Hughes, from half-pay 634 Foot, to be Capt. vice Bre
vet-Major Couch, whose brevet rank has been converted into substantive rank, under the Royal warrant of the 6th Oct. 1854.
65th Foot—Assist.-Surg. W. Snell, from the Staff, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Park, promoted on the Staff. 74th Foot—The surname of the Ensign promoted to a Lieutenancy, by purchase, in the Gazette of the 9th inst. is Deare and not Dear, as previously stated.
77th Foot—Lieut. R. B. Hill to be Adjt. vice Le Feuvre, resigned. 81st Foot—S. W. Bell, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Schlotel, promoted. 89th Foot—Lieut. S. Hall to be Capt. by purchase, vice Brevet-Major Mercer, who retires ; Capt. E. Morris, from half-pay 89th Foot, to be Capt. vice Hall, placed upon half-pay ; Assist-Sorg...T. Wiles has been permitted to resign his corn
94th Foot—Capt. R. W. Hartley, from the 8th Foot, to be Capt. vice Meade, who exchanges.
95th Foot—Lieut. J. N. Crealock to be Instructor of Musketry. 99th Foot—Lieut. A. Macdonald to be Capt. by purchase, vice Montgomerie who retires: Ensign W. J. Kempson to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Macdonald ; J. W. Harman, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Kempson ; Lieut. T. H. Clarkson to be Adjt. vice Macdonald, promoted.
Rifle Brigade—Lieut. H. H. Moorsom to be Instructor of Musketry.
24 West India Regiment—Lieut. C. H. T. Bruce de Ruvignes, from the 21st Foot, to be Lieut. vice Hartford, who exchanges, Gold Coast Corps—Ensign C. Hewett to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Kyebs. appointed Paymaster 91st Foot.
Hipot Battalions—To be Instructors of Musketry—Capt. W. J. H. Cunningliame, Rifle Brigade, Capt. G. II. Twemlow, 7th Foot ; Capt. E. W. Sergeant, 18th Foot ; Capt. J. Drysdale, 424 Foot ; Capt. W. J. Carden, 77th Foot ; Capt. J. C. Sweny, list Foist; Capt. A. B. Wallis, 33d Foot ; Capt. J. Spratt, 68th Foot ; Capt. J. S. Swann, 54th Foot ; Capt. S. B. Gordon, 45th Foot.
Unattached—Major G. Robeson, from the 1st West India Regt, to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase ; Brevet Major C. Conch, 624 Foot, to have his brevet rank converted into substantive rank, under the Royal warrant, 6th Oct. 1854.
Hospital Staff—Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals S. M. Hadaway, from half-pay, to be Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals, vice M'Andrew, promoted. Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals A. S. Macdonnel, from half-pay, to be Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals, vice Dartnell, who retires upon half-pay. Assist.-Surg. J. L. Holloway, from the 21th Foot, to be Assist-Surg. to the Forces, vice Fought, appointed to the 46th Foot. The undermentioned Acting-Assistant-Surgeons to be Assistant-Surgeons to the Forces—W, M. Milton ; W. Patton ; .3.3. Henry, vice Moose, resigned.
Brevet—The undermentioned officers, upon half-pay, to have the honorary rank of Inspector-General of Hospitals—Deputy-Inspector-Generals of Hospitals, J. Richardson ; J. Miller, M.D. ; R. Dowse.
The undermentioned promotions to take place in the East India Company's Army, consequent upon the death of Lieut.-Gen. T. Morgan, Bombay Infantry, on the 6th December 1856. To be Lieutenant-General—Major-General J. Perry, Madras Infantry. To be Major-General—Colonel II. J. Wood, C.B. Bengal Artillery.
The undermentioned officers of the East India Company's Service, retired upon full-pay, to have a step of honorary rank as follows. To be Lieutenant-ColonelsMajor J. H. Kennedy, Madras Infantry ; Major G. Scott, Bengal Light Cavalry.