17 JANUARY 1891, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR, OF THE "SrscTAron."1 SIR,—A short time since, a letter reached the Lincoln Post- Office addressed as follows : " sa Grandeur Monseigneur- l'Eveglie de Lincoln." The whole of the staff being apparently destitute of an elementary knowledge of the French language,. the letter was returned to the Post-Office in London with this. endorsement : " Cannot be found in Lincoln." The education at St.-Martin's-le-Grand being rather more advanced, the letter was re-endorsed, " This is for the Bishop of Lincoln,' and so eventually reached his Lordship's hands.

Can we wonder that foreign clerks who can read and write• two or three languages are in request, when English lads are allowed to pass through school ignorant of any language but their own P—I am, Sir, &c., CANONICua.