The Portfolio, 1890. Edited by Philip Gilbert Hamorton. (Seeley and
Co.)—This periodical has been noticed from time to time during the past year. It will suffice, therefore, to remind our readers that this is the first volume of a second series, the first having completed a period of twenty years. The principal contents are a series of eleven papers, with illustrations taken from new and old works of art, on " Ths; British Seas," and written by Mr, Clark Russell (who contributes six out of the eleven), the editor, and others ; six entitled "Charing Cross to St. Paul's," reproductions of some admirable pen-and-ink drawings by Mr, Pennell, the literary part being furnished by Mr. Justin McCarthy ; and three on various branches of appplied art, by Pro- fessor A. H. Church. A now feature of the second series is an " Art Chronicle," published monthly, but conveniently put in a collected form at the end of the volume.