17 JANUARY 1914, Page 3

The Army Council began on Thursday an experiment in making

known, by means of full-page advertisements in news- papers, the advantages of the Army as a career. We heartily welcome this new scheme. The Army has, of course, for a very long time advertised for recruits by means of pictures and announcements at post offices and elsewhere. It baa also advertised in a different way by sending recruiting sergeants about the country. If advertisement is necessary, we say, therefore, let it be the most effectual, the most businesslike and the moat scientific sort of advertisement The Army advertisement offers an illustrated book free of charge to all inquirers, and clearly shows, even without the aid of the book, that the Army provides a career comparable on economic grounds with most other occupations. The clam from which recruits are expected to come has remained curiously ignorant of this fact. They cling to an old and threadbare superstition. On the score of the amenities and experiences that appeal to young men of spirit and imagina- tion, the Army is infinitely more attractive than occupations which are comparable with it economically.