SIR,—In view of the fact that a restricted parcel-post to the whole of Germany (including the Russian Zone and all Berlin) is opening on January I5th, labels for parcels of food, second-hand clothing and medicines to particular individuals in Germany are not being issued by "Save Europe Now" from January 13th. Those wishing to send food- parcels to any European country (including Germany) for general relief should continue to send through "Save Europe Now," and should write for instructions to 54, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C. ; but anyone wishing to send a parcel of rationed food (up to 7 lbs. in weight)
or of clothes and medicines, including cod-liver oil, halibut oil and vitamin extracts (up to ii lbs. in weight), to a particular individual in any zone of Germany or in any sector of Berlin, should apply to the Post Office for instructions on or after January 15th. People, however, who before that date have received labels from "Save Europe Now" should proceed according to the instructions sent with the label. Please note that parcels of books, stationery, educational commodities for children and mending materials for particular individuals in Germany must still be sent through "Save Europe Now." Such parcels can only be sent to the British, French and American Zones of Germany, excluding Berlin.—Yours, &c., 14 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C. 2. PEGGY DUFF,
Secretary, "Save Europe Now."