17 JULY 1841, Page 10



The tenor of the last intelligence from America, respecting the M‘Laon affair, in conjunction with the unfavourable state of the weather, has given the to an uneasy feeling among the speculative portion of our capitalists. It is feared that if the bad weather continue, the quality and quantity of the harvest may be deteriorated; and if foreign wheat be not largely needed for consumption, a considerable quantity of old sound wheat must be imported to mix with the corn of our own growth that must suffer by the weather. As a natural consequence, the Bank will be drained of its bullion, and compelled to make money scarce; and this at a time when the French Minister will be bring big forward a loan, and our own new Tory Government will become borrowers. This prospect is certainly not a flattering one; and hence there has been a dis- position to make speculative sales of Stock; and the prices of the Public Secu- rities have in the course of the week given way about 1 per cent. The de- pression was not, however, of long continuance; as the continued purchases of Stock for Money by the public has absorbed almost all the floating stock. The tiettlement of the Consol Account occurred today ; and there was scarcely any difference between the price of Stock for Money and for the end of August, both being quoted at 891 ; while the " continuation " from one account to the other was only 1 per cent.: later in the day, however, a supply of Stock was obtained, and the price for Money gave way to 891, that for Account to 891. The market has since been steady ; and the closing prices may be quoted as 691 A for Money, and 891 1 for the August Account. The other_British Stocks have followed the fluctuations of Consols; but the result of the week's operations has been to realize the highest quotations at which they have re- cently stood; Reduced Three per Cents. for Money having been done at 90, Reduced Three-and-a-half per Cents. 991, and new Three-and-a-half at 991. Bank and India Stock have both advanced ; the former having been done both yesterday and today at 170 and 1701, and the latter yesterday at 249. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has been as high as 17; but has since fallen to 14, and is now 14 to 16.

In the Foreign Market, the European Continental Stocks are without mate- rial variation. Dutch Stock, however, which had been 501, has been done to- day at 511; and the highest nominal quotations of Danish, Russian, and Belgian, have been realized; thus marking a predominance of purchasers of the above Stocks. Brazilian has been steady, with but little doing. The other South American have given way very materially, the fall having been occasioned by some very extensive sales of Stock for Money : 40,000/. Colum- bian has been sold at 181, and about the same amount of Mexican at 25; and though there has been a temporary improvement, the prices have again declined to within 1 per cent, of the low quotations to which they were then depressed. Spanish Active has also declined ; for at the same time that the above sales of Mexican and Columbian Stockwere made, 100,000/. of Spanish Stock was thrown upon the market at 201: the price subsequently fell to 201, and after rallying to 201, gave way in the course of yesterday to 191. This morning the market was firmer, and the price reached 20; but a large sale of Money Stock again occurred, and forced the price down to 191 ; to rally again, and close at 191 1. These large sales of Stock are understood to have been made on account of the estate of the late Messrs. WHITMORES, who had advanced money upon the Bonds, and whose assignees are compelled to bring them to market in conse- quence of the inability of the borrowers to redeem them. The Great Western Railway Shares have declined more than 10/. per Share. It is stated, that before the railway can be completed, another 1,000,000/. will be required : the tolls for the first week of the complete opening of the rail- way have been less than was anticipated, and have only amounted to between 10,000/. and 12,0001.: and this circumstance happening at a time when Rail- way Shares are not in vogue, has produced the above depression. The Shares of the Brighton line have also given way, from 3/. to 4/. The traffic upon the portion of the line now open only commenced on Monday last, and no esti- mate can by possibility yet be formed of the probable success of the under- taking. The fall has been occasioned by the failure of two speculators, one of whom had purchased 1,100 and the other 200 Shares: 1,300 Shares were thus thrown upon the market, which fell to 9 discount ; it has since improved about 11., and closes at 8/. discount. The other varieties are all heavy at a de- preciation of from 1/. to 5/. per Share ; but the business has been chiefly con- fined to the Great Western and Brighton.


There has been very little business during the afternoon, but the market is firmer : Consols for Money have been done at 891, and there have been buyers at 90 for the Account ; closing price, 891 / for Money, and 90 sellers for Ac- count. The Foreign Funds are generally the same as in the morning. The South American are firmer ; Columbian having been done at 191. Mexican have also been done at 251. Spanish Active has remained steady at 201 1. Portuguese Bonds have improved 1 per cent. Brighton Shares are at the morning's quotation : so are the other Railway Shares, scarcely any business having occurred in them.

3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent. Reduced

a; per Cent. Ditto

8911 t 89,1 90 894 90 994 1 Columbian 6 per Cents Danish 3 per Cents

Dutch 24 per Cents

Mexican 5 per Cents. Coml

191 t 77f 81 51 i 254 26

New 34 per Cents 984 ft

Portuguese Regency b per CU.

294 t Bank Stock 170 Ditto New 5 per Cents. 1841..

25 f

Exchequer Bills ..... ....... 14 16pm. Ditto 3 per Cents 171 184 India Stock 299 Russian 5 per Cents ..... ... 113 14 Brazilian 5 per Cents 674 8 Spanish (Active) 204 1 Belgian 5 per Cents 100 1


The Money-market is firmer this morning; and Consols for Money have been done at 891, while for Account the price has reached 90. The "continu- ation " has increased, and is now 1 per cent The premium upon Exchequer Bills is the same, 14s. to 16s. In the Foreign Market, the Continental Bonds are the same. The Non-dividend Steel" have improved : Spanish Active has risen nearly 1 per cent, from the lowest point of depression, and ft per cent, from the closing price of yesterday : it has been as high as 201, and is now 201 : the Columbian and Mexican are also at an advance of 1 per cent., the former being 191 1 and the latter 251 4. The Railway Shares are rather firmer ; Brighton being 71 die.; Great Western, 14 to 15 prem. ; Croy- don, 12/ 13 per Share; and South Western 54, to 55 per Share; while London and Birmingham are 67 to 69 prem.