The Ministerial paper of the morning, the Chronicle, gives the fol- lowing summary of the election returns.
"The Members returned up to twelve o'clock last night were—
Reformers. Tories.
English Boroughs 176 166 English Counties 22 137 Ireland 53 37 Scotland 30 22 Total 281 362
"The Reformers have gained 37 seats, one of which is in a Welsh county,- and three in Scotch Counties; and the Tories have gained 74 seats, of which 23 are in the English counties, 4 in Scotch counties, and 1 in an Irish county. 'The English borough returns include the double return for Thetford; and as Mr. O'Connell is returned for the counties of Meath and Cork, the number of Reformers in the House is reduced by 1, and the number of Irish seats until the House meets is consequently 104 instead of 105. There is no doubt, however, that a Reformer will be immediately elected to the seat for which Mr. O'Connell does not elect to sit. There are still 15 Members to be returned ; 1 from Scotland, and 14 from Ireland. [Namely, one for the county of Banff, in Scotland ; and the rest for the counties of Carlow, Dublin, Kerry, Longford, Louth, Wicklow, and Wexford, in Ireland.] In what proportion will these 15 returns be distributed among the Reformers and Tories? In the last Parliament, 10 of the 15 seats were filled by Reformers ; and if we assume- the same proportion for the present, the number of Reformers will altogether amount to 291."
That would give to the Tories a majority of 76.