17 JULY 1841, Page 21



On the 11th inst., at Bide Honse, Brampton, Lady SARAH Intrwrtie, of a son. On the 14111 inst., at Williamstrip Park, Gloucestershire, the lady of Sir Micuarn II. Hints BEACH, Bart., of a sou.

On the 14th just., at Bitteswell Hall, Luttenvorth, Leicestershire, the Hon. Mrs. 43o58er Silent, of a daughter.

On the 11th inst., in Bath, the Lady of CHARLES Airmen Sr. LEGER, Eaq. of a son. Ale the 9th inst., at Alveston. Warwickshire. the Hon. Mrs. WOOPMASS, of a son. On the 9th inst., at Greenwich, the Wife of the Rev. JOHN SMALM.AN MASTERS, of a son and heir.

On the 30th ult., at Barfield House, near Bristol, the 1,1;cly of Lieutenant-Colonel AIREY. Thirty fourth Regiment, of a daughter. On the 5th lust., at Fort Augustus, the Lady .1 Lieuteuant•Colonel LOSACK. of a son. On the 9th inst., at Streatham, the Wife of the Rev. Wonnionse RAVEN, of a daughter. On the 13th inst., at Guildford Street, the Lady of the Rev. T. B. MURRAY, of a son. At Ramsgate, the Lady of Rev. J. Baum Rector of Walsokeu, Norfolk, of a daughter. On the 6th inst., at Geneva, the Lady of HENRY BARTON, Esq„ of Rangemore House, Staffordshire. of a daughter. On the 12th inst., at Cranford. Northamptonshire, the Wife of the Rev. Mmtswaio AROLES, of a son.

On the 12th inst., at East Hill. Wandsworth, the Lady of LC. or MEDEIROS, of a Non. MARRIAGES.

On the 12th inst., at St. George's. Hanover Square, the Lord Carsioatre, to Aoritrwrit. second daughter of Edward Stanley. Esq. On the 14th inst., at St. George's, Hanover Square, Viscount VILLIERS, M.P.. eldest son of the Earl of Jersey, to Miss PEEL, eldest daughter of the Right Hon. Sir R. Peel. Bart., M.P.

On the 7th inst., at Stouehouse. Plymouth, Commander Witaams FANSEIAWS GLAN- VILLE. R.N., to MARY Anse, youngest daughter of the late Vice-Admiral Bedford, of Stonehall.

On the 15th inst., at Putney Church, the Rev. EDWARD AISLABIE OnmaustEr. M.A., Vicar of Chew Magna, Somersetshire, and eldest surviving son of the late Sir Francis Ommanney. to ANNA CATHERINE, only daughter of George G. de H. LARPENT, Esq., 11.P., of Roehampton. Surrey. On the 14th inst., at St. George's. Hanover Square, Captain Blankley, R.N., (late of her Majesty's ship Pyladesa to SARAH ELIZABETH NAYLER, Of RedIROG Hall. Glouces- tershire, and Duke Street, Grosvenor Square. Loudon, eldest daughter of the late Sir George Nay ler, K.C.H., Garter King-at-Arms. At Trinity Church, JOHN JULIUS MAC 'sestina. R.N., second son of the late Colonel Edward Macdonuell, of the county of Clare, Ireland, to Lomat. Widow of the late Henry Hyde, Esq., of London. On the Sth inst., at St. George's, Hanover Square, the Rev. LOVICH COOPER, of Em- pingham. Rieland, youngest brother of Sir Astley Pardon Cooper. Bart., to Haaatcriar, niece of the late David Ricardo. Esq., M.P., of Gatcombe Park, Gloucester, and eldest sister of Lewis Ricardo. Esq.. M.P. for Stoke.

On the 17th May, at the Britith Legation. Athens, Joni( FOSTER Gareasorr, Esq.. of Glen-a Smolt. Dublin. to KATHERINE, second daughter of James Skene. Esq.. of Rubio- law, Scotland.

On the 30th ult., at Aberdeen, Jour: Ititcuenn, Esq., of Forcett Hall and Glassed. to JANE Tons*, only daughter of Rear-Admiral Sir Arthur Farquhar. On the 30th ult., Principal LEE, of the University of Edinburgh. to CummoTre ELLEN, third daughter of the late Joseph Wright, Esq.. of Duncairne. Antrim.

On the 1st inst., at Glasgow College, ROBERT STEWART. Esq., of Carphin, to AGNES, daughter of Jas. Jeffray, Esq . M.D., Prof. of Anatomy in the University of Glasgow. On the 14th inst.. at Trinity Church, the Rev. RICHARD airman., &D.. Fellow and Tutor of Lincoln College. and Prielector of Logic in the University of Oxford, to EMILY, youngest surviving daughter of the late Thomas Blair, Esq., of Walton Grove. Surrey, and Welbeck Street. London. On the 8th inst., at Keaton Church, CHARLES JOHN BAKER, Esq.. of the Inner Temple. Barrister-at-Law, youngest son of the late Sir Robert Baker. of Montague Place, Russell Square. to Soma. youngest daughter of the Rev. J. W. Martin, Rector of Keaton, Kent.

On the 6th inst., at Clapham. Bedfordshire. the Rev. S. T. DAY, Rector of Bletsoe, to ELLEN MARY, daughter of J. T. Dawson, Esq., of Woodlands. Bedford. On the 13th inst., at Ainslie Place. Edinburgh. JOHN ROBINSON FORSTER, Esq.. of Tugal Hall, Northumberland. sou of Thomas Forster, Esq., of Addernone, to biLBY CAMPBELL. vouugest daughter of the late John Campbell, of Kilberry. Ou the 12th inst.. S. Pancras New Church. CORYNDON HENRY LUXMOORE, EST, of Gordon Square. to MARIA Cu sanorre AUGUSTA, eldest daughter of Sir John Hensler, of Tat istock Square.


On the 6th inst., at the Vicarage. Buruiston, near Bedale, Yorkshire, Joust Wesrow, Esq., in his 71st year.

On the 12th inst., at his residence, Lower Clapton, the Rev. JAMES Caoox Ciminero, in his 51st year.

On the Ifith inst., at Bromfield, Salop, the Rev. THOMAS WELLINOS, M.A., in his 83d year, Rector of Church Leech, Worcestershire. Vicar of Bromfield. Salop, and Chap- lain to Right Hon. Lord Maryburough. He held the Lectureship of Ludlow fifty years.

On the 14th inst., at his house in Charlotte Street. Bedford Square, Clousrontsa NOCKELS, Esq., in his 89th year. On the 11th inst., at his Chambers in Gray's Inn Square, WILLIAM Gr..zosetriss Pow- SONBY, eldest soil of the Hon. George Pousunhy. in his 331 year. On the 13th inst., at Ham. Surrey. Winnu.si tinier BLACREORD, Lieutenant General in the lion. East India Company's Service, in his 824 year. On the 10th inst., at Woodhill House. Gerrard's Cross, RICHARD Joins, of Edin- burgh and Loudon, in his 56th year. At Fort Augustus, Jamaica. of yellow-fever, in his 26th year, Lieut. JAMES CAMP- BELL MACLACHLAN, Eighty-second Regiment, son of Colonel Maclachlan, half-pay Sixty-ninth Regiment.