17 JULY 1841, Page 22


Tuesday, ;ay 13.


Hancock and Harvey. Great St. Helens. tea-dealers-Kelsall and Co. Manchester. merchants; as far as regards Potter -Wright and Kirkpatrick. Newark-upon-Trent, diapers-Easy and Moss, Wood Street. City, warehousemen-J. W. and N. A. Par- tridge, HorsE.,rth, Yorkshire, dyers-Vavasour and Holdsworth, East Woodhay, South- amptoushire, farmers-Smart and Cockshutt. Eastchcap. stat iouers- E. and W. Bowen, Dudley. mercers-Gledhill and Co. Halifax, cotton-warp-manufacturers; as far as re- gards RawSOU - Wright and Albright. Bristol. booksellers- Ellis and Cooper. Maid- stone, ironmongers-Sloane and Co. St. Martin's Lane, cheesemougers; as far as re- gards Sankey-W.. J.. and E. Kent, Manchester. small-ware-manufacturers-Caines and Coggan, Balkan Street West. Belgrave Square. booksellers-Lockwood aud Co. High Burton, Yorkshire, manufacturers of fancy goods; as far as regards Billcliffe- Raudell and Newth.Hilperton, Wiltshire, carriers. INSOLVENTS.

BuTreawowra, JOSHUA, Walcot Place, Lambeth, leather-factor, July 12.

BUTTERWORTH, WILLIAM, Natoli:11, coal merchant. July 12.

LusortAm, Turmas, Cows Lane, St. Mary-at-Hill, wine-merchant. July?.


CALLS, CELSRLES, acid Co. Lombard Street, bill-brokers. to surrender: solicitors, Messrs. Kearsley and Co. Bucklersbury; official assignee, Mr. Canuan. Finsbury Sq. DAINTRT. Jolla Sarre, and Rims, Joon, Manchester, bankers, Aug. 2, 3, 24: solicitors. Messrs. Makiuson and Sanders, Middle Temple; and Messrs. Atkinson and Saunders, Manchester.

DoWNMAN, Herm HERBERT, Kidsuolly, Carmarthenshire, tin-plate-manufacturer, July 21, Aug. 24: solicitors, Messrs Clarke and Mt-dealt', Litman s Inn Fields; and Messrs. Jones and Jeffries, Carmartheu.

Muzak, WILLIAM, St. Martin's Lane. wine-merchant : solicitor, Mr. Dobson, Gray's Inn Square; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basinghalt Street. Roo?. Runruto, Wardiogton„ Oxfordshire, draper, July 27, Aug. 24: solicitors. Messrs. Munton and Draper, Banbury.


Aug. 4, Bradford and Healey, Great Trinity Lane, stationers-Aug. 6. A., S., and J. Sharp, 13irkensahw Bottoms, moon-spinners-Aug. 5, Sharp, Birkeushaw Bot- toms. cetton-spiuner -Aug. 5 S. Sharp. Birkenshaw. cotton-spinner-Aug. 5, J. Sharp, Birkenshaw Bottoms, cottotospinner -Aug. 12. Waddell, Liverpool. merchant-Aug. 3, Egerton, Birmiugham. wine-merchant-Aug. II, Latham, Halifax. liuendraper Aug. 6. Dilworth and Co. Lancaster, bankers-Aug. 9, Hepper, Liverpool, hotel- keeper-Aug. 4, W. and E. Wheeler, Oxford, horse-dealers-Aug. 2, Budding. Liver- pool. paint-manufacturer -Aug. 6, Smalley. Liverpool, joiner-Aug. 5, Bowden,


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on orbefiwe Aug. 3.

Johnstone, Bishop's Stortford, scriveuer - Sutton. East Street. Old Kent Road. builder-Harrison. High Holbom, ironmonger - Griffin. Windsor. wine-merchant- Harris. Lower Thames Street, merchant-Nicholson. Halifax, innkeeper-Kuowka and Co. Throgniorton Street, silk brokers.


Arrays, beau, and Kinnear/. ALEXANDER, Glasgow, calico-printers. July 19, Aug. 11. GLIMIE, ANDREW, Cumuock. Ayrshire imok -.Ter, July 19, Aug. 19.

Friday, Jugy 16.


Ashtoo and Wakefield. Manchester. hat-mannfacturers-Wakefield and Co. Man- chester, hat-manufacturers-W. and R. W. Hebdeu, Smith Street, Clerkeuwell. jewel- lers-Spence and Co. ; as far as regards Westall-MtAdam and Mitchell, Kingston, Jamaica-Jones and Griffiths, Smethwick, Siafford.hire. rivet makers-F. and J. Apted junior, Reig-ate, hemp-manufacturers-Crawley acid Thompson. Birmingham, merchants-Lanreuce and Offord, Sun Street. Bishopsgate. saddlers-J. and J. Nicholls, Cook's Court, Lincoln's Inn, attornies-E. and J. Macleur, Kidderminster, coach-makers-Fontaine and Summers. Mortimer Street-Wausey add Tagart, Ely Place, attortues-T. and J. Wilkinson. Hudier.field, merchants-E. and J. Templer, Lymington, grocers-Newnham and Co. Brighton, apothecaries; as far as regards Lawrence-T. arid ft. Kenderdine. Stone, Staffordshire, grocers-Jackson and Co. Staleybridge. bobbin turners; as far as regards Chadwick-Main and Co. Dover Road, floor-elothAnauufacturers-White and Kintoch, Jermyn Street, cheese salesmen -Kilner and Bacon. Sheffield. copperplate-printers-W. and J. Middlemore. Bir- mingham. carriers -J. and F. Hawkee, Birmingham, blank-tray-matoufactaders-J. and E. Clarke, Taunton. schoolmasters-Barker arid Armstrong, Leeds, cloth-mer- chants-Usher and Co. Edinburgh, wine-merchants-Walker and Co. Glasgow, grocers-Hibbert and Mayall, Hey, Lancashire, cotton-mills.


ROBINSON, LEONARD, GlaiSbOITI, grazier, July 12.


PENNY, JOHN, Southampton, builder.


Atranesorr, Jonn. Greenbauk. Westmoreland. bobbin-manufacturer. to surrender July 24. August 27: solicitors, Messrs. Wilson and Scott, Kendal; and Messrs. Allen and Nicol, Queen Street, Cheapside.

JORDAN, THOMAS, Wolverhampton, broker, August 2. 27; solicitors, Messrs. Philpott and Son, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury; and Phillips and Bolton, Wolverhampton. MARENTTE, MARIUS, King William Street, City. rnerchuut, July 23, August 27 soli- citors. Meows. Smith and Tay lor, Basiughall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. MiLLEssitre, Taomas. Moseley New Colliery. Wolverhampton. coal-master. August 2,27; solicitors, Mr. Church, Bedford Row; and Mr. James, Birmingham.

PaArrmAn, Slimmers Luau, Butterknowle Lodge, and Foss-rex, Micnazt, Copley, Durham, timbeemerchauts. July 23, August 4; solicitors, Mr. Steavenson, Darling- ton - and Mr. Burn, Great Carter Lane.

PRENTIS, HENRY WOD, Rayleigh, Essex, grocer, July 23, August 27: solicitors. Amory and Co. Throgrnorton Street ; official assignee, Mr. Caunau, Fiusbury Square. SvAarmirn, JOHN. Charles Street, Grosvenor Square, brush-dealer, August 2, 27 So- licitors. Means. Weymouth and Co. Chancery Lane; official assiguee, Mr. Turquand, Copthall Court. WILLIANII. JOHN, Ledbury, Herefordshire, innkeeper. July 19. August 27: solicitors, X. Jones, Ledbury ; and Messrs. Ring and SLID, SetgelLIIL'a Inn, Fleet Street. Vinson. Gimps, and Bainnow. RICRARD. Salford. Lancashire, machine-makes% July 26 August 27: solicitors. Messrs. Makinson rind Sanders, Temple; awl Mesas. Atkinson and Saunders. Manchester.

WIATea. WILLIAM BRACNIE. Bristol. builder. July 23. August 27 solicitors, Mr. Wansey. Lothbury; and Mr. Hutchins and Mr. Hassell, Bristol.


August 6, Holden and Young. Bread Street, warehousemen-Aug, 6, Whitfield; Bishopagate Street Without, carpet-warehouseman -Aug. 9, Richards and Manwaring, Bridge Road. Lambeth. linendrapers-Aug. 9, Arnold, Paternoster Row. bookseller- Aug. 9. Ball. I aternoster Row, bookseller-Au,. 9. Toll, Bidwell, Chertsey, brewer- Aug. 7, Harris and King, High Holborn. woollen-drapers-Aug. 10. Ross. Bradford, Yorkshire, wool merchant-Aug. 7. Brookes, Birmingham. builder-Aug. 6. Warbur- ton. Liverpool. tailor-Aug. 10, Wore, Bishop Wearmouth, gorcer-Aug. 6, James, Bangor. druggist-Aug. 7, Jousts, Wumburue. Staffitrdsbire, nail-factor-Aug. 6. Jack- son and Singleton. Leeds. cueriers-Aug. 9. Lock, Bracondale. Norwich, millwright- Aug. 15. Robins. Birmingham. currier-Aug. II. Mahony and Slattery. Liverpool. merchants-Aug. 11, Ankers, Birmingham. grocer-Aug. 20, Vyse. Nuthurst, War-

wickshire, grocer. CERTIFICATES

To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary. oa or berme Aug. 8. Hicklin, Nottingham, printer-Knowles, Staleybridge. Lancashire, cooper-Ni- cholson, Newcastle upon Tyne. common-brewer -Bevan Swausea. ironmonger-Wood, pnblican- March. Cheapside, hatter. -Chemwr, Blackfriars Road. saddler- Down, Throgmortou Street. stockbroker-Vivian, East Siouehouse, Devoushirea dealer-Treasure, Reading. buot-manufacturer.


GEORGE. JANES. Banff, distiller, July 23. Aug. 13. HILL. WILLiam Thonno, Glasgow. manufacturer. July 21, Aug. 12. LAMBERT ALEXANDER. Falkirk, draper, July 24, Aug. 12. Mnsur. J.mes jiluiur. Glasgow, painter. July 20. Aug. 11. M'KELLAR, JAMES, Glasgow, printer, July 23, Aug. 13. WATr, ANDREW, Edinburgh, upholsterer, July 22, Aug. 19.