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Tux Queen and Prince Albert, surrounded by a select party of guests, have remained in the uninterrupted enjoyment of country life at Windsor. The Queen has taken exercise daily '; walking with Prince Albert in the morning, and afterwards riding out, sometimes in a pony phaeton, at others in a carriage and four. Prince Albert has usually accompanied her Majesty on horseback : on Wednesday his Royal Highness rode in the same carriage with the Queen and King and Queen of the B lgians. The little Princess Royal has been taken out for an airing daily.
The King and Queen- of the Belgians lunched with the Queen Dowager, at Bushy Park, on Saturday. On Thursday, the King left the Castle for Woolwich, to embark for the Continent. The Queen of the Belgians prolongs her visit. The Duke of Brabant has been indis- posed ; but he is getting better.
Among the visiters at the Castle, have been Lord and Lady Kinnaird, the Baron de Bourqueney, the French Chargé d'Affaires, the Duke and Dutchess of Sutherland, the Earl and Countess of Surrey, Mr. F. T. and Lady Arabella Baring, Viscount and Viscountess Jocelyn, Baron. Below, the Prussian Minister, Viscount and Viscountess Palmerston, M. Van de Weyer, the Belgian Minister, and Madame Van de Weyer. The Duke of Sussex had a select dinner-party at his residence in Kensington Palace, on Tuesday.
The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge and the Princess Augusta of Cambridge visited the Duke of Devonshire on Saturday, at his resi- dence at Chiswick. On Monday evening, the Dutchess was present at a party given by the Countess of Jersey. On Wednesday, the Duke and Dutchess, the Princess Augusta, and Prince George of Cambridge, dined with the Duke and Dutchess of Sutherland. On Thursday, the Duke attended a review at Hounslow. The Dutchess, the Princess Augusta, and Prince George, were also present. Yesterday, the Dutchess, the Princess Augusta, and Prince George, partook of a dejeune with the Queen Dowager, at Bushy Park.
The Dutchess of Gloucester left town on Thursday, for her residence in Bagslaot Park.
We understand that, in consequence of the Queen of the Belgians pro- longing her visit to the Queen and Prince Albert at Windsor Castle, her Majesty and Royal Consort have deferred their visit to the Duke and Dutchess of Bedford, at Woburn Abbey, until early in the week after next. On leavin".e' Woburn, where the illustrious guests are likely to stay two or three days, her Majesty and Prince Albert go to Pansanger. From the Earl and Countess Cowper's the Royal visiters proceed to West Park, Earl and Countess De Grey's princely seat in Bedford- shire.—Morning Chronicle, July 17.